The sibling mission

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A/n: you know how I said I loewkey wanted those panties last post? Weeelll... guess who's ordering when I get my next lot of cash 😂 I can't help it.

Head canon: When you and L were about to get married, you had to introduce your kids to each other.

L was a dad. Surprisingly.

When he saw a kid in the same position he was in that age, he felt compelled to take him in.

So now he as a four year old son called Yukiteru. Current alias being Nagisa.

You gave birth to a daughter 3 years ago after some... unfortunate events. You couldn't bring yourself to get rid of the child so you kept it. Actually, it was L to helped you through the whole thing and he's known your daughter- Lizzy/Elizabeth since birth. You knew Yukiteru too, through dating L.

You stared dating L two years ago, after your whole ordeal with a drunken disaster and being taken advantage of, you really relied on him when he came in to help you through it. Eventually, after a few months off being a mother, you'd completely fallen for one another and began to date.

Only this year, you got engaged.

Now that you were going to be married, you had to move in and finally introduce your children to each other. It would have happened sooner, but a case got in the way.

You'd explained to Lizzy that L was going to be her dad, and she was over the moon with joy. She really liked L.

Yukiteru, upon finding your you were going to be his mum, started crying because he was so happy to finally have a full family.

So while each others kids liked the new parent, you didn't know if the kids would like each other.

L has gotten you a house, he's moved in but you were still paying off rent, and couldn't move in for another month. So you decided to host the meeting at your soon to be new house.

You pulled up, and unbuckled Lizzy from her booster seat. Lizzy had decided to dress up in a tutu for the occasion. She jumped out of the car and ran up to the door.

You knocked and heard a dog bark. Your puppy you'd given to L to move in first so she's wasn't in the way as you moved all your furniture out.

"Mummy that's butterfly!" Lizzy smiled.

"Yeah, butterfly is happy to see you"

Yes, you named a dog butterfly, it was two year old Lizzys idea.

The door opened and the little fox terrier bounded up at the door.

"Get down!" L said, making the dog sat down next to him in anticipation.

He opens the door and let you in.

"DADDY!" Lizzy said, jumping into L's arms.

She'd already started calling him dad, how cute.

"Hey cupcake! How've you been?" He said.

"Good! Mummy and I made cakes today"

"You better give me some"

"Uh-huh! I know you love cake daddy"

"And what's with this fancy tutu? Are you going to a ball or something?" L said.

"I just wanted to be fancy" Lizzy giggled.

"Well you definitely are"

L put Lizzy down and she sat down to pat the dog.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now