NSFW head canons

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A/n: ok ok ok. I know I promised this for you guys AGES ago. But I finally wrote down enough to make it into a chapter. If you want a oneshot with one of these just comment and I'll add it to the list.

•LOVES LOVES LOVES being called baby boy. Not even as a sexual thing, but if it does turn sexual, he's completely ok with it.
-he even has a jumper with baby boy on it ((SOMOME DRAW THAT I NEED L IN A BABY BOY JUMPER))

•jeans and erections don't mix... too bad L wears jeans. Because the fabric isn't stretchy he has no room to breathe and it can be a problem sometimes e.g. Hiding it a work. ✔️

•he's really good a sexting

•nicknames he's ok with:
Baby boy

•he cannot handle you in thigh highs. At all. It's almost like a kink.
-ESPECIALLY when the do the squish thing. ✔️

•not too fussed about using toys as long as you're ok with it. ✔️

•if you wear a one of those shirts with the words over the boobs, he'll get the urge to grab them.
-e.g. A keyboard over the boobs with 'press my buttons' on it.

•all boob sizes are good boob sizes to him.
-itty bitty titty committee? Fuck yeah.
-flat is justice? Totally up for it.
-double damns? Hell yes.
-somewhere in the middle? Down for it.

•ok with switching up positions.
-face off, 69, doggy, cowgirl etc.

•will definitely send dirty pics to you when he's bored at work.

•since he has a little bit of a fear of being abandoned again, he will have days where he is all over you, making sure you're not going to leave him. He thinks this is the reason he's so into female domination.

•that being said, he isn't afraid to dom you when the mood strikes.

•things he calls you:
-baby girl
((That reminds me, you guys want a mummy kink fic? I'll totally write I'd if you do))

•sexts consist of detailed instructions on how you have to touch yourself until he gets home.

•his jeans have really deep pockets so you can slide your hands into them and palm him.
-or sometimes you'll just pull out his wallet to tick him.

•has a thing for watching you play with yourself

•anything you're into, he's into. As long as its sanitary and safe.

•ever seen those pictures of anime girls with cum all over their face? That's you after a long night.

•he's not very loud, definitely not a screamer. He's the kind that will struggle to keep quiet as you touch him. Lip biting, finger biting, averting eyes and heavy breathing, occasionally letting out a small moan or curse.
-that being said, the expression and look on his face tells you he's enjoying it and he's into it.

•F I N G E R  S U C K I G. For both of you.

•chocolate paste is always fun.

•lOvEs oral. Like... a lot.

•orgasm denial is also in the table, the more it builds up, better it feels.

•you only have to say two words to get him going no matter where you are... "I'm wet"✔️

•grind against him and he's under your control.

•has been known to disappear at work for hours. No one knows he's hiding on his floor behind locked doors after you called him and began to phone sex him up. ✔️

•since around the taskforce he's so flat and monotone, if they were to find out what he's been up to with you, they'd all be thoroughly shook.

•Watari is completely aware you are dating L. And at his point he's waiting for the day you walk into taskforce with a baby like "hey here's your grandson"

•you actually feel kind of accomplished that you're fucking the worlds greatest detective. That's why you love to see him under you. Think about it, you, an ordinary girl, managed to get the worlds greatest detective, the man no one knows on his knees in front on you.

•chokers? Yeah he can't deal with them either. Put one on and all it makes him think of is a collar.

•he seems innocent, but he's actually kinky as fuck.
-although he's often worried to ask you about introducing a new kink, thinking you might not like it so he ends up looking innocent either way. ✔️

•to you (and him) intelligence is sexy as fuck, hence why you are so into L. He's smart as hell.

•it's pretty obvious but that cherry stem trick comes in real handy.

•because he's so smart, he knows a lot about anatomy, so he knows EXACTLY where to touch.

Ok that's all, once again if you want any just comment. And yes I'm already planning a sexting one.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang