The question

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Head canon: he was too shy to propose to you, so you proposed to him.

It had been a wild and amazing couple of years in the road with the worlds greatest detective. And the both of you were ready to tie the knot, the problem was L was way to scared and shy to do it himself. The solution? You'd propose to him.

But first, you had to make sure Watari knew, he was pretty much L's indirect father, so he had the right to know what was going to happen to his little boy.

You knocked on his door at 10 that night, knowing he'd be up working.

"Miss (l/n)? What's troubling you this late?" He asked.

"Don't tell L, but I thought I should come to you about this first" you said.


"You see, I know L's too shy to do it himself, and that's ok. But I thought I'd let you know that I'm... I'm going to propose to him tomorrow, and if there's anything I should know first please tell me" you explained.

A smile broke across Watrais face.

"It's about time!"

You laughed at his response.

"There's nothing wrong with it, L will be over the moon about it I assure you, nothing to do with his world will get in the way" he said.

"Oh thank god. Thanks, I jut wanted to make sure" you replied.

"Rest assured everything will be ok"

"Ok thank you, I should go to bed now, goodnight"

"Goodnight (y/n)"

And with that, you left.

You went upstairs and found L at the computer, working on a case.

"Hey honey bun" you said, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around him from behind.

"Hello sweetheart" he replied, looking up at you.

"I'm going to bed, you gonna come?"

"I'll have to sleep tomorrow sorry, I have to get back to the ICPO"

"Ok, don't overwork yourself. Now, I have something planned for us tomorrow, meet me at the docks at 5 ok?" You said.

"5? We're going to watch the sunrise?"

"You could say that"

"Alright, now go to sleep you look tired"

"I will, goodnight" you said, kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight, I love you"

"I love you too"

You went upstairs to your room and set an alarm, soundly sleeping until the next day.

When the alarm went off, you got ready and put the ring in your pocket. You went downstairs to fill in Watari on what was happening if he wanted to watch or take pictures and then you went up to check on L, who had fallen asleep at his desk.

You smiled and began to shake with anticipation.

You left for the dock, but you had to make a pitstop to pick up some special guests first.

You pulled into the driveway of Wammys house and walked inside.

"Miss (l/n)? How can I help you?" Roger said upon seeing you.

"I have to borrow Near, Matt and Mello for the day if that's ok" you said.

"That's fine, I'm guessing they already know what's going on?"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now