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A/n: I rewatched L change the world and I'm in freaking tears omg. Also update, I managed to salvage some chapters here and there of my lost work, but I'm till gonna have to re-do a lot. I'm not even upset anymore just EXTREMELY SALTY, ok maybe I'm still a little sad about it.

Head canon: L takes you for helicopter rides at night sometimes.

One thing you found funny about L was the fact that he can't drive, but can fly a helicopter. Because yeah, flying a helicopter is apparently easier to do than drive a car. You'd never been in a helicopter before, only cars, trains and planes, but that was about to change.

"(Y/n), wake up"


You slowly opened your eyes to see your dark room and the clock showing 1 in the morning.

"What the heck L?"

"I have a surprise for you"

He pulled you by the hands out of bed, being quiet as you both walked down the halls and up the stairs toward the rooftop.

"What are you doing?" You asked tiredly.

"You'll see" he said, opening the doors and pulling you into the cold night air.

"It's freezing!"

"I know but just wait"

You were confused now. What the hell was he doing.

"Ok, so remember how I put a helipad up here?" He asked.


"Well... I got a helicopter!"

He pulled you around the corner and you saw a blue helicopter sitting on the helipad.


"Well, I have plans for this regarding the case, but I thought I'd take you out for a fly first" he said.

"In the middle of the night?"

"It'll be worth it, jump in"

He opened the doors and turned on the light inside. You jumped in and he buckled you up properly, closing the door and jumping in the other side. He buckled himself up and started everything up.

"This is the only time you will ever sit normally huh?" You said.

"Yep, now put these on"

He put some headphones over your ears and some over his, pressing some buttons so you could hear a him.

"Can you hear me ok?" He asked.

"Yep, won't this take up the taskforce?"

"No, HQ is soundproof"

He had money to burn holy hell.

He pressed a few things and you suddenly heard the blades start to rotate, and soon enough, you were off the ground.

You began to feel adrenaline pump though your veins, exited to be flying.

You began to fly away from HQ, getting higher and higher as to not hit any skyscrapers. You looked out the windows, watching as you dodged low clouds, also wondering if it was safe to be flying at night like this.

"Is this safe to be flying at night?" You asked.

"Yes, in fact is much more fun to fly at night" he replied.

"But all I see is darkness and clouds"

"Look down"

You turned to the window and looked down, seeing a beautiful scenery of the busy city all lit up, you were flying over the kanto region, where Kira was first located, the whole city full of flashing lights.


L glanced over at you and smiled, loving how happy you looked.

"This is so cool! Why haven't you taken me flying before?" You said.

"Because I didn't have a license to fly a helicopter over here, wanna fly over Tokyo?" he replied.


In just a few minutes, you were approaching Tokyo, the city seeking brighter than the others, you could see all the buildings lit up, cars all over looking like tiny glowing dots, the flashing of billboards and all kinds of streetlights.

"I'm so glad you woke me up now" you said.

"I wanted to take you out first, you'd never been flying so I figured you'd enjoy it"

After hours of flying around cities and looking down at all the lights, you finally made it back to HQ, landing safely and ready to go back to bed after that amazing experience.

You jumped out of the helicopter with L and smiled at him.

"That was amazing! Thank you so much, I love you!" You said, throwing your arms around him.

"It's nothing, I'd do anything for you" he replied, giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora