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Head canon: none for this one.

Au: you cough up petals when you meet your soulmate.

You were starting work with the worlds greatest detective L today. You were nervous but exited. No one has ever seen him and it's a massive honour to be working with him, but not knowing him makes it scary.

You waited at the hotel for the taskforce. As soon as you got there your throats started to feel a little funny, hopefully you weren't getting sick and it was just the cold air.

Once the taskforce arrived, you all walked up to the room number L gave you, all being sure to arrive a little later than each other as L instructed.

Mr. Yagami knocked on the door.

"It's open, please let yourselves in"

This was it. The moment of truth. Although you wish your throat would calm down, it feels so ticklish, like something is touching it.

The door opened and you all walked in, nothing, an empty room. Until you saw someone walk around the corner.

You scanned him down, blue jeans, white shirt, messy black hair and eyebags. He was a lot more... casual than you pictured.

"I am L" he said.

Wow, he's nothing like you thought, but he was really cute.

The taskforce began to introduce themselves, you reached for your police ID but something stopped you.

"Oh, I'm (y-"

You suddenly began to cough. You broke out into a full on coughing fit, almost like you were coking. Your breath got short and you dropped to your knees, hands over your mouth as you coughed.

"(Y/n) are you ok?" Matsuda asked, slightly panicked.

With one final cough, you felt something in your hand.

You pulled your head up and petals began to fall from your hand, some still in your mouth. You'd just coughed up petals. What's weird is that they were all dry, even though you just coughed them up.

"It's the petals?" Matsuda said.

"(Y/n) you know what this means right?" Mr. Yagami said.

"It means my-"

Suddenly you began to hear coughing, you looked up to find L, beginning to cough the same way you did.

It was... him?

Well you couldn't be too sure until you saw the petals.

He became short of breath and leaned against the wall, hand over his mouth. When he finally stopped coughing and took a breath again, he pulled his hand back and petals began to fall all over the place.

Everyone started in shock.

L, the worlds greatest detective was your soulmate.

You both looked at each other in shock, petals in your hands and all over the floor, this wasn't exactly how you expected the meeting to go but you can't change plans with fate.

"It's you?" He said.

"Well... I just coughed petals all over the floor so... I guess so..." you said, in a lame attempt at humour.

"Ok... umm... I apologise to everyone else, this isn't exactly how I thought the meeting would go but, can I have a word with miss (y/n) for a second?"

The taskforce totally understood and let you both step outside.

"Well... that was quite the introduction" you said.

"That was the last thing I expected to come out of the Kira case but... I'm glad it did... you're... really pretty" he said, shyly.

"Thanks, you're pretty cute too. I know we literally just met but. We're soulmates, we literally just witnessed each other choke up petals, can I have a hug?" You asked.

"Go for it"

You wrapped your arms around your new found soulmate and he wrapped his arms around you in return, the both of you enjoying a new feeling of joy.

"Stay after the meeting, we have a lot of catching up to do"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now