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You were one of the luckiest people in the world. Why? Because you were a massive L fan, and you're in his taskforce.

If you told any of your police friends that you went home from fighting crime to write L fanfiction they'd laugh their asses off at you. So you kept it secret. You see, L has a massive fan base, even though he never showed his face or used his proper voice, he had armies of fangirls. One fan went as far as to try and edit the voice filter off, that's why everyone figured out he was a boy. And judging from his tone of voice, he was still young. That's when his fandom really went nuts, everyone pictures a dashing young man fighting for crime.

When the Kira case started and L took it up, you had a mini heart attack as you tried not to fangirl in front of the taskforce. And when he actually contacted you, you wanted to bloody faint.

Then on that faithful day where he agreed to meet you in person, you went home that night and screamed into your pillow.

Of course you couldn't tell your readers, it may blow his cover if they found out you'd come into contact with him.

When you actually met him, your heart practically jumped out of your chest. You definitely weren't expecting it, but you sure as hell were happy with the way he looked, sounded and acted. He was such an cute little individual, and you'd do anything to protect him.

Of course, you fell in love pretty quick.

But being too shy to say anything, you just portrayed everything through your fanfictions. And you'd be lying if you said you hadn't written a few lemons. Your massive following is readers seemed to love your interpretation of L, without even knowing you were actually describing the real thing.

But everything came to a screeching halt when you were hanging with Misa one day.

"Hey, I'm going to make some coffee, you want some?" You said.

"Yes please, can I use your laptop for a sec, I just want to check my modelling schedule"


While you were gone, Misa was on your laptop, looking through her emails and remembering that she had a photo shoot in two days. When he logged out of her account and closed the tab, another tab popped up.

A Wattpad page.

"Ooo, she reads fanfic" Misa giggled to herself.

She took a look at your profile, your picture was a strawberry and your background was a bunch of lollipops.

"Damn she's got tons of followers!"

That's when she spotted it.

"Wait... L x readers?"

She looked through your works, each book was something to do with L.

"No way... she's got a crush on L?"

She read a couple of chapters, becoming fascinated with your crush and getting a little idea. When you opened the door, she quickly closed the tab and put your laptop down.

"Figured it out?" You asked. 

"Yep, I've got a photoshoot in two days"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now