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A/n: this came to me while my finger was still cut, I didn't want to forget it so I literally typed the whole thing with one finger and I have no regrets.

Head canon: none for this.

L has created a legacy. Something the whole worlds knows. He's created his world, if he never started these cases, he'd have been a normal kid at the orphanage. Well... as normal as he can get.

He created the world and legacy of L, who's been described as 'the century's best' and 'the worlds greatest detective'. He created it to feel in control, not for power, so he had a feeling of leverage, out of spite at all those who have wronged him... his parents for one.

But he could destroy it all in a second if he wanted.

Could be being himself too?

He didn't even know himself.

Being the L the world knows has become his whole life, he wakes up, solves cases, stays up all night because of it and falls asleep due to exhaustion. Then the cycle starts all over.

That all he does.

His life is an endless cycle of chasing criminals.

That was until you came into the picture.

You weren't part of the taskforce like the others.

You tried to stop a Kira riot.

When a riot of Kira supporters started at Sakura TV, things for very violent. Knowing Kira could be anywhere, you bought a 5 dollar bandana and tied it over your face, so just your eyes were showing. You see, the only reason you even stepped in was because the poor girl at the front of Sakura TV, trying to keep everyone out was so scared she started to cry.

L was watching the riot over the news and through security cameras. When he noticed the girl in the bandana push through the crowd and run up to the crying girl, pulling inside and locking the doors, he immediately took interest.

It was also you that called the police down to the riot to break it up.

It was you that sat on the floor of Sakura TV comforting the girl in the middle of the panic attack.

You went out to buy bread and kitchen paper, but ended up in a riot.

When cracks started to appear in the glass doors, you took the girl upstairs and told her to stay in her office. You then forced your way onto the balcony, with a megaphone you managed to find.

Sakura TV couldn't do anything, they were hostages to Kira. But if your face was covered, you were willing to take this risk.

You turned the megaphone up as loud as you could and bought it to your mouth.


The sudden screech of the megaphone made majority of the crowd below you look up. You were about to attempt the impossible, talk sense into Kira supporters.


The crowd below you started to scream at you, but you were standing meters above them, and their words meant nothing.

"You know what is this? Fear. This is what happens when a madman is in control, deep down, you resent Kira, it's the fear is being killed that is making you side with him. Kira has you all in the palm of his hand because he's SCARING YOU INTO IT. I'm fully aware that some of you are sick people that actually do side with Kira, but I know not all of you do. It's fear, it's all in your head. Take a look at yourselves, the fear of someone putting your name on the internet is so strong that you're trying to protect yourselves by siding with a murder. This is the easy way out, the way that is the least effort, but causes the most damage. This right here is what humanity is come to. You call call me a stupid L supporter all you like, but that won't change the fact that you're all siding with a killer out of fear.  Take a look at what you're all doing, you're what humanity has come too. This riot is what will happen every day if Kira takes control. You're like a cult, do you really want our children to grow up in a world where they have to riot and live in fear of being killed? Put aside your fears and just come to your senses, you're all scum. Every single one of you, and you wouldn't be if you just put aside your fear. It's hard, but it helps the future. Take a good long look at yourselves in the mirror, this is what you've become, insane"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now