For you

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A/n: inspired by smithereens. God it's so cute. Also just saying for those who've asked, you can write stuff based on a head canon or oneshot I have. I'd love to read them

Head canon: you'd do literally anything for L

You left something for L today. You went out to run your weekly errands, meaning you were leaving him alone for the day.

You were hidden away in taskforce HQ, L has secret rooms you stayed in.

So you got up early to leave before the taskforce woke up.

You'd noticed L was kind of depressed lately, maybe it's because Light and Misa had been set free, but you decided to cheer him up.

"L, there's something on your desk" Light said, approving the desks before L did.

L walked over and saw the folded paper with his logo drawn on it. He knew it was firm you but he had no idea what it was.

He opened it to find a little note.

You know, I've always been collected, calm and chill.
And you know, I never look for conflict for the thrill
But if I'm feeling, someone stepping towards you, can't describe, just what I'm feeling

For you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me. For you, I know, I would get messed up, weigh 153. For you, I would get beat to smithereens

Cheer up would you? I hate to see you all gloomy.

I love you ok?

-your strawberry xxx

He smiled down at the letter. A rare sight from the usually flat and monotone detective.

"What is it?" Light asked.

"Nothing just a letter..." L said, sitting down and folding up the letter.

Little did he know you were serious. You were out running errands yes, but you'd earned a little name for yourself. One L didn't know about.

You said you'd do anything to protect him, and you were.

You see, there's a few private eyes out there that have been trying to find L, but thanks to your skills in stalking them and having a strong kick, they didn't get very far.

You were quite literally being beat to smithereens.

Every time a private eye tried to track down L, you got to them first in a mask and hoodie, caught them in the act and beat them up.

Like right now.

You had gotten a black eye out of this, but you doubt this guy would go looking for L again.

With one last kick to his head, the man collapsed.

"Don't even try to find him" you said.

"I didn't think L's agent was real..." he mumbled.

"Oh I'm very real, keep out of L's business unless you want to be beat with a baseball bat"

And with that you left, off to buy your milk and a cake for L. You put your mask in your bag as you left and took off your hoodie, tying it around your waist. You went off to the shops, bought your milk and cake and went back to the car.

You felt like you were being watched, and judging from the guy behind you, you were.

Another private eye huh?

You put your shopping in the car and grabbed your mask, whipping it on and turning around.

"I know you're there" you said, to the air.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now