My family

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Head canon: L cares so deeply for Matt, Mello and Near. If anything were to happen to them, he'd blame himself.
Near, Matt and Mellos ages in this are:
Near: 5
Mello: 7
Matt: 6

You were currently in a massive panic. L had been away for a few weeks on a case and you were left with the boys at whammy's. While L was still in the country, he was far away. So you were left to take care of the boys... but deserter had stuck.

Mello was in an ambulance, with Matt and Roger on the way to the hospital. He'd fallen off his bike down a hill, the back wheel knocked his head and made him unconscious with a broken arm. All because you looked way for two seconds... how were you going to tell L?

His successors are like his kids, and you've gone and let one of them get hurt...

You were currently holding Near in your arms, the young boy incredibly worried for his brother figure, sure they fought... a lot, but they still cared for each other.

You couldn't go the hospital just yet, you were waiting for a taxi since you never learnt how to drive with all your detective work in the way.

You took a deep breath and dialled L's number.

"Hello?" He said.

"L... I so sorry... something's happened" you said, your voice cracking.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?"

"M-Mello fell off his bike, broke a bone and is unconscious. He's on his way to the hospital now..."


"It's all my fault I'm so sorry! I looked away for two seconds and I wasn't there to stop it!" You sobbed.

"(Y/n), (y/n) calm down. It's not your fault. What's happening now? What hospital is he going to?"

"H-he's with Matt and Rodger in an ambulance to greenvales emergency room, I-I'm waiting for a taxi with Near"

"What about Near and Matt are they ok?"

"They're not hurt... Matt was crying because he was so scared Mello wouldn't wake up. Nears here with me, he's just scared and worried. Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry L" you explained.

"(Y/n)! Stop blaming yourself. I'll meet you at the hospital ok?"

"What? But you're so far away and you have a case to work on!"

"No, the kids are my responsibility, I have to be there. I'll meet you there ok?"

"I have to go the taxi is here"

"I'll meet you there, bye"

You hung up and picked Near up, carrying him to the taxi and buckling him in.

"Greenvales hospital please"

With that you were off down the road, toward the hospital.

"(Y/n)?" Near said.


"Will Mello be ok?"

It was a very hard hit... it knocked him out cold. He could just be bruised, maybe have a concussion... or worst case scenario, damaged his skull or brain. You should have told him off for not having a helmet...

"I-I don't know... I hope so" you said.

When you got to the hospital you paid the driver and picked Near up, racing down the halls to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mello, I saw what happened I was told they need me there" you said.

"He's still unconscious. You'll have to wait in the waiting room outside, are you expecting anyone else?"

"Y-yes, he may take a while but he's basically his guardian"

"Ok, please wait in the waiting room"

You sat in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for you to be allowed in. Near seemed to be stress playing with a puzzle at your feet and waiting anxiously too. It seemed like hours and you were still sitting there... it was getting dark.

Mello better be ok.

Suddenly you heard a familiar voice.

"(Y/n), Near"

You both looked up to see L. How did he get here so fast? How many speeding laws did he break?


Near jumped up and into his arms. L picked him up and sat beside you.

"Any news?" He asked.

"Not yet... L I'm so sorry this is all my fault"

"No, it's mine. I should have given you more notice before leaving in the first place. The boys are my responsibility and I should have just taken the case form home... it's not that I don't trust you, I do, it's just... they're my responsibility and I shouldn't have passed them onto you with no instructions or waring... I'm such an idiot I'm sorry (y/n)" L said.

"L no, it's my fault, I wasn't watching-"

"No, (y/n), it's my fault"

"Can we just agree that is no ones fault?" Near jumped in.

Well, a 5 year old is more mature than you. Then again Near is crazy smart.

"Nears right" L said.

"Sorry..." you said.


The moon was out now, you'd been here for ages and still nothing. You were beginning to fear the worst.

But all the fear was lifted when a doctor approached you.

"Miss (Y/n), you guys can come in now" she said.

You all jumped up and rushed down the hall into Mellos room. You found him awake but very drowsy. He had a cast on his arm and was attached to a heart monitor.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed, a smile on his face.

Matt was sitting at the end of the bed, for once, not playing a video game.

Rodger was talking to a doctor.

"Mello! Are you ok? You're not dying are you?" You said, putting Near down and rushing over.

"No I'm not dying, I'm just really sore..." he said.

"I'm so sorry I should have been watching you"

"No... I should have been wearing a helmet"

"Why weren't you wearing one?" L jumped in.

"L? I thought you had a case?" Mello questioned.

"I had to make sure you were ok, now explain"

"Oh... uh... I guess I just forgot in the heat of the moment... I'm sorry"

"Well... at least you're ok now..."

Near climbed up onto the bed and sat next to Matt.

"I'm glad you're ok... idiot" he said.

"Thanks... idiot" Mello replied.

Thats brotherly love for you.

"Matt you ok? You were crying a lot?" You said.

"I'm ok... I was just really scared" Matt replied.

You let out a sigh of relief. It was all ok.

"Gosh I was so worried..." L said.

"We're all ok now, didn't worry!" Mello replied, jumping up to hug L. Matt and Near joined the hug too.


"I'm sorry I wasn't there to watch you guys-"


The kids laughed, causing you to laugh with them.

"Ok ok I'm sorry, now come on, group hug" L said.

They pulled you into the hug, you smiled and hugged them all back.

They were honestly like family to you and L, you'd never change that.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now