All of me

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Head canon: L maintains he lived every single thing about you and has gone off on long tangents about every single thing he loves about you. Despite this, he's still scared to propose.

While you were at home, watching anime, L was at work doing Kira case stuff and such. It was all pretty normal until Misa decided to snoop in everyone's business.

She was asking people about their first girlfriends, hoping to get funny stories from primary school when people would get those silly little play ground crushes.

"L! L!" She said, sliding her chair over to him.

"What is it now?"

"Who was your first girlfriend? Have you even had a girlfriend?" She asked.

"I have, I'm still with her now"

"NO WAY! You've stayed with your first girlfriend, for how long?"

"Like... 15 years? We grew up together" he said, like it was nothing.

"Wow that's commitment. Honestly I didn't think you'd have a girlfriend... what's she like?"

His face suddenly lit up. He loved to talk about you, you meant the world to him so he could go on for hours about you.

"She's... gorgeous... she's the kindest person I've ever met. She does so much for me, honestly I don't know how I'd live without her-" he began.

A smile crept across Misas face, just the smile on L's face told her how in love he was. She's always felt kind of bad for L, he always seemed lonely and sad, not to mention the taskforce didn't really like him that much, they didn't trust him.

Misa did consider L a friend, maybe not a best friend, but a friend. Even if he did get on her nerves a little.

"She's literally an angel, her laugh is the most adorable thing you'd ever hear, and she can sing! So well! She used to sing me lullabies when we were little and it honestly put me to sleep so fast. And her eyes... my god her eyes..."

This was so cute to Misa, just watching L swing on his chair as he rambles on about you.

"And she's such a good artist too... and her taste in music is amazing. She spoils me rotten, I keep telling her to stop spending so much money on me but no matter what I say, she's always surprise me with something. She got me a bouquet of strawberries once, I still have the ribbon they were tied together with. Oh, and she does this thing where she curls up in a little ball when she sleeps it's so cute... I love her so much"

"Have you married her yet?"

That caught L off guard.

"N-no, why?" He replied.

"If you're that in love with her then tie the knot already!"

"I-I mean, I've been meaning to... but there's just been so much going on with the case and-"

"No. Ryuzaki, you WILL marry this girl. She sounds like the best girlfriend ever you have to"

"She is the best girlfriend ever honestly. I don't know why she fell for me of all people... but I'm so lucky to have her"

"Have you got a ring?"

L pulled a small box from his picket.

"I keep it on me for the right moment"

He opened it and showed Misa the ring.

"WOAH THATS REAL DIAMONDS! It's so pretty, she'll love it!"

As if on cue, his phone went off.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now