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Head canon: although L is a skinny noodle. He is strong (and can fight).

HQ was quiet, nothing but the sound of tapping against keyboards and mouses being clicked, along with the occasional flipping of paper. Everyone was hard at work on the case. You were taking filed upstairs and putting them all away, having to make many trips up and down the stairs. You'd just taken one of the last boxes of files upstairs, and were walking back down to get the last few, when you suddenly broke the silence with a massive thud.

You'd tripped on a chord going across the stairs and tumbled down, landing on your foot in an awkward position.

"Holy shit (y/n)!" Matsuda exclaimed upon hearing the thud and getting up to see if you were ok.

"OW! SON OF A BITCH!" You exclaimed in pain.

You sat up and clutched your ankle in pain.

"Ow ow ow ow..."

You were suddenly surrounded by the whole taskforce, being asked if you were ok, or if you needed ice.

L pushed through the crowd and crouched down in front of you.

"What hurts?" He asked.

"My ankle" you replied.

He pulled off your sock to see a massive bruise and your foot twisted in a weird position.

"That's broken, come on"

Suddenly you felt yourself be lifted off the ground with ease, L picking you up. Everyone just kind of started at the two of you for a moment.

"What?" He asked.

"You are literally a stick, how can you just carry her with ease?" Misa asked.

"I'm a lot stronger than I look"

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME, MY ANKLE IS BROKEN" you yelled, the pain starting get to you.

Tears were staring to well up in your eyes, the pain beginning to get unbearable. You tightly gripped onto L, repeating 'ow' over and over.

"Watari get the car we're taking her to the hospital, the rest of you keep working" L said.

He carried you down the halls and into the elevator, where there was a long painful wait.

"Try and keep your mind off the pain (y/n)" he said.

"Ok... how are you carrying a fully grown woman without being phased at all, how are your arms not snapping?" You replied.

"Like I said, I'm a lot stronger than I look. I don't tend to build the muscle, but the strength is there"

"I'm impressed, in pain, but impressed"

Once you arrived at the hospital, there was another long wait in the waiting room of accident and emergency. You'd been given ice for your ankle but it really wasn't helping.

"Miss (l/n)" the doctor said.

"Oh, that's me"

L picked you up again and took you to get you ankle examined.

"Ok, so what happened?" The Doctor asked.

"I tripped on the stairs and fell down them" you explained.

"Ok, and what relation are you too miss (l/n)?"

"Boyfriend" Ryuzaki said.

"Don't tell the taskforce that" you laughed.

"Secret relationship?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah, if anyone at work found out, we wouldn't heard the end of it"

"Ok, well, we'll take you to be x-rayed and we'll decide on treatment from there"

After your x-ray, you were given a cast, which took way too long to get on.

"Ok, we'll get you some crutches, I'm guessing your boyfriend can't carry you all over the place for 6 weeks" the doctor said.

"I could" L said.

"You couldn't" you replied.

"Wanna bet?"

"You're on"

Long story short, you didn't take the crutches, and lost $50 at the end of those six weeks.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now