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A/n: Based off an old oneshot. Also I had kind of an idea. So by now you all probably know I collect L merch. Who would read it if I made like a diary of all the merch I have and where I got it from, as well as the details of the merch, it would help you guys with finding a copy of your own and help me keep track of what I got.

Head canon: even in death, L loves you

He was sitting... floating, over your coffee table, the last thing you moved into your new apartment. He read the pages of your open book.

You knew this was an old taskforce headquarters that they turned into apartments, but you didn't know someone died here.

He didn't know that you could see him, at least you thought so, he didn't really get in your way, he stayed quiet and watched you as you went about your day. He never picked things up and knocked things over like other ghosts did, he sat in midair, watching TV, reading over your shoulder, watching you cook dinner, all that stuff.

You hadn't approached him yet, some ghosts don't know their dead, so you didn't want to scare him.

You looked up the buildings address and found the news reports form ten years ago about two men found dead in the taskforce.

One was an old man, Quillish Wammy, who owned a bunch of orphanages, died of a heart attack, a few floors below you.

You looked up at the ghost, who was nodding his head along to your music and he read the book you left on the table.

That wasn't him, he's too young.

Poor guy, barely got to live, he looked around 20ish.

The other was on your floor, a man that was only ever identified as 'Ryuzaki' aged 25, your age. He must still be 25 after all these years, he doesn't look a day over it.

No one knew his family, where he came from or who he really was, he was buried next to the other man, at the cemetery down by the national park. He died of a heart attack, probably from Kira.

Who was he? This ghost was definitely Ryuzaki.

You should approach him.

"Ryuzaki?" You said aloud.

He instantly looked up and made eye contact with you, he hadn't heard that name in years. He was quiet as he looked at you, shocked that you could see him.

"I can see you, yes" you said.

He floated over to you and sat in mid air, curled up in a little ball above the chair opposite you.

"How do you know my name?" He asked.

"I looked it up. I didn't want to approach you without knowing it first"

"You're not scared of me?"

It seems he knows he's a ghost.

"No, I've seen ghosts before. It says here no one could find out who you actually were and that Kira got to you? Were you a criminal?" You asked.

"No, I was the detective after him. He just found me first"

"You worked on the taskforce?"

"I lead the taskforce"

"Woah, what a hotshot" you giggled.

He tilted his head and gave you a smile.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/n)" you replied.

"Well it's nice to finally have someone to talk to, being dead for 10 years and beings stuck in an empty building is really boring. I didn't show myself when construction was going on, just in case I scared anyone off, but now that all the apartments are here it's just luck of the draw who lives here"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now