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A/n: not even into that kind of music but honestly this song is me @ L ^

Head canon: in society's standards, L isn't exactly perfect. But you love everything about him, and sometimes he forgets that and need a little reminder.

Society is a mean thing. It's cruel and unforgiving, you must be this, look like this, act like this and all that crap.

You never really listened to it, neither did anyone on taskforce really. But of all the people on taskforce, the most unlikely was the most insecure.


Most of the time he didn't really focus on looks because he has more important stuff to do with work, but when the thought crosses his mind, his mood plummets.

It's your job to remind him how amazing he is.

Today seemed to be one of those days. He seemed out of it, he looked sad, couldn't really focus on work and was zoning out a lot, he did that a when he got lost in thought.

You looked over at him as everyone worked. He just just staring blankly at the screen leaning against the side of the sofa, his head resting on the back of it and his knees up to his chest as usual.

You sighed, knowing it was one of those days.

You walked over to him and pulled a chair over, sitting in front of him.

"You're distressed, talk to me" you said.

"It's nothing, just the case" he said.


He didn't say anything, he knew that you knew.

"Come on, talk to me" you said.

"Don't worry about it"

"Too bad, I'm already worried"

It was silent for s moment.

"Why are you even so worried about me? There's a whole world of pretty people out there and you just stick to me? Why? What is so special about me?"

"I stick with you because I love you, you know that"

"Yes but... look at everyone else, they have good skin, good sense in style, good hair, good posture, they don't talk like a robot and actually have some kind of mussel, they're not sticks like I am. No one on taskforce is as pale as me, no one on taskforce has eyebags that make them look like panda, no one has hair that won't stay clam, no one slouches as bad as I do and... no one is as weird as me. I mean, look at me, I can't sit like a normal human, I wear the same thing everyday, my voice is so flat and boring, I can't talk to people to save my life, I'm literally the biggest freak you could ever meet, why don't you just get Misa to hook you up with some model? I'm sure you'd be better off without someone like me in your life..."

You sighed and have the detective a sad look.

"But I don't want anyone else, I want you" you said.

"I don't get it why you'd stick with someone like me"

You wanted to slap him and hug him at the same time.

"If you don't stop talking down on yourself, I'll slap you"

"Go ahead, it won't change anything"

You clenched your fits. Why is he like this? You love him but he really needs to stop this.

You grabbed him arm and pulled him off the sofa, dragging him over to your room.

You pushed him in front of a mirror and made him look at his reflection.

"You see this? That person in the white? That person is perfection. No one could beat that man, he's the most amazing person on this planet. See, look at that face, so fucking beautiful. And oh my god those eyes, they make me melt, you see that sharp ass jawline? Good. Shit. That fluffy hair? Look at that fluffy hair, it's so soft and so cute. Look at those lips, so perfect, so soft, so kissable. See those clothes? They're simple yes, BUT A FREAKING LOOK. You see those hands, they're the best thing to be holding, so warm and gentle. Look at that, look at those ICONIC eye bags, he isn't him without his iconic eye bags"

You grabbed onto the bottom of his shirt.

"Now look at THIS"

You pulled it over his head to his surprise.

"See that? Skinny legend, look at that, most people would KILL to be that skinny. Not take a look at this, not too ripped, but still good, see those very faint abs, from all the capoeira, that's perfect, not too defined, just right. See those skinny arms? That is perfect, they're strong enough to keep you safe when they're wrapped around you, but so gentle when they're comforting you."

You pulled his shirt back over his head and pulled his arms through the sleeves.

"See this entire thing here, the boy with eye bags? Perfection. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel. Absolutely perfect. They cutest thing. This boy was crafted by the gods of beauty, his features chiseled by angels. His voice picked by the fairies at the bottom of he garden and enchanted to be so calming, rich and mesmerising. You see this here? This boy, is perfect"

You finished your little rant and it was quiet for a moment.

"Why are you so extra?" L giggled.

"Because it's my job to make sure you know how cute you are" you said.

You grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face you, gently caressing his cheek.

"You are an angel L, don't you ever doubt yourself"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now