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A/n: yes this a reference to neon gravestones. Shut up. Its also really long. Trigger waning: suicide.

Head canon: there's one thing L made you promise

It's been a year.

One whole year without the man you loved so much, you worried every day about him, this was the most dangerous case in the world and he was facing it.

Before he left, he made you promise.

"Promise me this, if I lose to myself, you won't mourn a day and you'll move on to someone else"

How could you keep a promise like that? How could you not mourn?

But you had to try, for him. You haven't heard from him in the whole year you'd been separated. If he tried to contact you, that would create a path for Kira to follow to get to you. He couldn't risk it.

You'd been awfully depressed about the whole thing. You found it hard to get out of bed in the mornings, you lost a lot of your appetite, you always felt a little gloomy.

You were lonely. You missed him, a lot.

You were forced out of bed this morning to answer the phone. You didn't feel like talking but when you saw it was wammys house, you picked up.

"(y/n), it's Matt"

"Hey Matt, what's up? It's so early" you said.

"It's lunchtime (y/n)" he replied.

"Oh... shit."

"You've been in bed all day haven't you?"


He giggled on the other end of the phone at your screw up.

"Well can you pull yourself out of the house today? We need you at the orphanage"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"It's a long story, can you get here?"

"Yeah, I'll be down in a bit"

"Ok, thanks (y/n)"

With that, you got dresses and ready for the day. You jumped in the car and drove to the orphanage. You felt so tired, you haven't been sleeping that well lately, you were really out of it.

You arrived at the orphanage and parked around the back, got out and walked into the building, down to the main office.

"Roger?" You said, knocking on the door.

"Come in"

You opened the door and went inside.

"Matt called, what's wrong is everything ok?"

"It's about L" he said.

Your attention had been captured. You hadn't heard from L in a whole year and you're finally getting news.

"What's happened? Is he ok? Please tell me he's ok"

"Sit down, I'll explain everything"

You sat down opposite him and you instantly filled with anxiety, what's up with L?

"Well, I have some bad news regarding Watari and Mello"

"Oh? What's happened?"

"Mello... he ran off. He and Near were called in here this morning and I had to tell them that L hadn't picked a successor yet, Near was ok with it, he's in his room. But Mello... he didn't take it so well and ran off, no one can find him, but we're trying"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now