The sound of stuggles

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A/n: I said I'd do this ages ago lol oops here it is now. Also just a warning, in my old books, I'm going to going through and editing some stuff so some chapters my temporarily disappear. Don't panic they're just in editing and will be back up soon.

Head canon: you've been through a lot, and when you looked for help, they suggested you write a song to help get your thoughts out. When L found out, he was so moved by your words he decided to help you make it into a proper song.

You sat against the windowsill and with a notebook and pen. You were such a downer because of stress and the lack of affection you got in your life, when it became worrying, you looked for help and were told you try and write something. That's what you're doing, trying to write something. You don't have much yet.

In my darkest times, when I'm looking down a dark hall
You came into view and lit my way, but it's not enough.
I love everything you do, but I'm lost in my head, I can't escape.
You're an angel
I'm a devil.
Get me out of here, help me, please just save me!
I know you're tying to help, but there's no helping the devil.

It was all just ideas, it didn't even sound like a song, you didn't really know how to achieve that part.

You were stuck, you had a lot in your head that you couldn't find the words for.

You stared out the window, looking for some kind of inspiration. This was harder than it looked.


You jumped and turned to face the voice. Turns out it was L.

"I know it's your day off and all but you haven't done much. You've been staring out the window for hours now" L said.

"I just can't think" you replied.

"Think of?"

"Well, you know how I had to go to a therapist?"


"They said I should try writing something like a song to help get everything out but is harder than it looks" you said, handing him the notebook.

The detective took it from you and looked over the words, each one spoke something, each one had a meaning. But something about your writing... struck him.

He felt like he could relate, after all, he's been through some dark stuff too. Losing your family isn't easy.

"You... have a lot to get out huh?" He said.

"Yeah..." you said, gazing out the window.

It was silent for a moment.

"So do I..."

You turned to face him. You knew L was a quiet person and all but you didn't really think about what he may have been through to be like that.

"Then, why don't you help me write?" You said.

"Ok, I have nothing better to do anyway. And how about I help you record this too?"

"You'd do that?"

"Of course I would"

You got up and followed him over to the table, each grabbing a pen, you began to discuss what to write and how to write it. You sat there for hours, just talking about all your struggles and how to write them. You leaned a lot about L that day, it surprised you that he even trusted you enough to tell you all these things.

But you finally managed to do it. You had a song.

You're staring down, a dark hall
I'll grab a light, and help you through
You're trapped and up against the wall
I'll fight them all
You're like me
I want to be free

We have problems
Ones we can't escape
But if we can't get out, we can fight
If you need anyone
I'll be right here

You're stuck inside, your sick head
I'll break your walls and fight for you
I'm stuck behind, a cage of doubt
You'll rush in, and break me out
You're like me
I want to be free

We have problems
Ones we can't escape
But if we can't get out, we can fight
If you need anyone
I'll be right here

Just stay with me, I'll help you out
Don't you cry, don't you pout
We'll scream into the void together

We have problems
Ones we can't escape
But if we can't get out, we can fight
If you need anyone
I'll be right here

I'm here for you

"I think we've done it" you said.

"I think we have, it didn't turn out exactly how originally planned, the meaning kind of changed... but it still what we needed to get out" L replied.

"I promise I won't tell anyone what you've told me"

"Thanks, it'd be a death sentence. I won't tell anyone what you've told me if you don't want"

"I think it's best we keep this our little secret for now, maybe when I get rich and famous for my awful singing we can tell the world"

This wasn't just your song. When you go back to tell your therapist, you'll have to explain its for you and your friend. Well... maybe friend is an understatement.

It's isn't your song, it's both yours and L's.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now