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A/n: the doujinshi website I use is yaoi sei. You gotta download the files on a computer tho.

Head canon: you mourned the most.

You didn't think this would happen. You were ok so much pain. Up to the point where you could no longer work on the Kira case and flew back to Wammys.

You felt so alone, so empty.

Today, you had to break the news to the boys... you knew they'd take it badly. But it had to be done.

They were called into your room, Mello, Matt and Near sat on the floor in front of you, wondering what was going on and why you even came back.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news..." you said, in a small voice already tearing up.

"What's going on, did something happen?" Mello asked.

You felt tears begin to fall down your cheeks, you just couldn't hold it in.

"It's about... the Kira case"

"(Y/n) are you ok? What's going on?" Matt asked.

"I know this will be hard, and I'm trying to keep my life together but... L... he's..."

The boys looked worried, terrified.

"He's dead"

It was silent for a moment.


"(Y/n)? Are you kidding?"


You nodded, trying to wipe away the tears.

"Kira found out his name and killed him, he died in November. I couldn't bare to stay on the case so I came back here" you sobbed.

The boys began tearing up, letting the information sink in.

"No... NO HE CAN'T BE!" Mello exclaimed, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"B-but... you guys were going to adopt us we were going to be a family..." Matt added.

Near didn't say anything, just stared at the ground and let the tears fall, you knew he'd react like this, he was always quiet.

"I-I love him so much... I can't believe I let this happen... I PROMISE I WONT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO THE THREE OF YOU" you exclaimed.

Mello was the first to jump up and run over to you, you pulled him into a hug and held him tightly as he sobbed Matt joined next and finally Near managed to get up and join the hug.

"You guys were going to get married and have a bunch of kids... you were going to adopts us we'd be the crime solving family! I HATE KIRA!" Matt exclaimed.

"I know... I hate him too"

"But... I want a dad..." Near spoke up, trying to keep it together.

"I know honey, I know..."

It was silent for a moment, each of you trying to hold it together.

"... I miss you so much L... please watch over the boys for me..." you sobbed, hoping wherever he was now, he could hear you.

"(Y/n)... you'll never leave us right?" Matt asked.

"Of course I won't... I'm alive right now because of all of you... if you weren't here... I don't think I could continue living" you said.

You sat there on the floor of you room in a mess of tears for hours, just sobbing in silence. The four of you would be hurt for a very long time.

"(Y/n)?" Near said.


"Were you going to get married for real? Or did you just say that to make us like you?"

You felt a pang in your heart. You knew Near wasn't trying to stir you up, but it still hurt.

"Yeah... we were..." you said in a small voice.

It was silent for another moment.

"I'm sorry..." Near said.

"Don't be..."

"(Y/n), I want to catch Kira! I want to punch him in the face and tell him how much he's hurt us! I want to cut off all his limbs and... and..." Mello exclaimed, being cut off by his emotions getting the better of him.

"LETS CATCH KIRA! FOR L!" Matt added.

"Guys... maybe give her some time" Near said.

You didn't know if you could even face the Kira case again, but you wanted vengeance so badly and you wanted to try and help everyone, and of course you wanted to protect the boys.

Maybe you should... for L.

"We will... maybe once all of us are over everything" you said.

Kira. Light. You won't win this time.

Not against team L.

Kira will be sent to hell, you'll do it.

For the love of your life.

For L.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant