An eye for an eye

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A/n: for the sake of the story, the scene is a bit different.

Head-canons: L is extremely protective and would die for you.
AU: titanic

Panic had broken loose, everyone was screaming, scared, terrified for their lives. The supposedly unsinkable ship... was sinking.

This was it, you could practically see your life flash before your eyes, you had to get into a lifeboat before it was too late.


You snapped out of your thoughts by the man you'd fallen in love with, his nickname being L.


"Come on, I'm getting you off this ship"

He pulled grabbed your hand tightly and pulled you through the crowds, not caring about the others and pushing them aside, he wanted you safe, he had to get you to safety.

Suddenly the boat shook, it titled, water was rushing at your feet, it was so cold you felt like ice already.

"Shit... we have to get to the top of the ship! When it spits in two we can grab basically sit in the top as it goes down, then we'll need something to float on"

You were suddenly pulled in the other direction, once again, pushing through the crowd, running away from the water. You felt tears start to fall down your cheeks, the felt burning hot because you were so cold.

Your legs hurt, you had a headache form the noise too.

You heard glass shattering, wool breaking, wires snapping.

L didn't let go of your hand for a second, pushing through the crowds. The Ship was tilting badly, it was becoming a struggle to run.

"Hold onto the railing, we can use it as a kind of climbing rail!" L explained.

You nodded and grabbed onto the railing as he did, using it to help you up the slope of the tilting ship. Then you heard it cracking, louder than before.


The ship split, breaking in two, causing a massive wave of water to wash over you both. That didn't stop you as the part of the ship you were on began to tilt again, you both climbed up to the front of the ship.

"Ok hold on to the railing as tight as you can and climb over onto the top"

You nodded and followed L's instructions. You both clung into that railing for dear life as you saw people slipping off the ship and falling into the freezing water.

"Listen (y/n), I know you're scared. So am I, but we're going to make it I promise you!"

You nodded as the ship went down.

"Don't you dare let go of my hand!" He said.

You gripped onto his hand so tight that you might have broken his bones.

"Ready? Hold your breath!"

The last of the ship went down, you were both submerged in water, not letting go of each others hands as you pushed against the swell and tried to get to the surface. You both broke to the waters surface for air, gasping and shivering as you did.

"It's so cold" you sobbed.

"I know, I know. We need something to float on"

You both looked around, when you spotted a lone door floating among the rubble surrounding the sunken ship.

"There!" You said, pointing to it.

You both same over to it and L pushed you up onto the door, you stool not letting go of his hand.

"T-there'll be life boats, I promise" he said, shivering from the cold.

"Let me pull you up!" You said, trying to pull him onto the door with you.

"There won't be enough room, there's life boats not far from here they'll find us!"

"LAWLIET YOU GET ON THIS DOOR!" You exclaimed, worried for his life.





"(Y/n)... please"

You began to sob heavily and gripped onto his hands with both of yours.

"It's too cold in the water... please I want you to live..." you sobbed.

"And I want you to live..." he said.

"I love you L, so much"

"Don't you start saying goodbyes! We're going to make it, and you're going to grow up and have kids and die an old lady asleep in her bed, not here"

"But I want to do that with you..."

"Trust me (y/n)... they'll find us..."

You could see his lips turning blue, I've forming from the water droplets on his hair, he was shaking so badly... he wouldn't make it, he's going to die trying to protect you, and if he wouldn't get onto that damn door, there was only one thing you could do.

"Ok... just know, I love you...I'll never let go"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now