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Head canon: he's a massive sweetheart. If you start to cry in front of a crowd, the protective will break out of the emotionless L and he'll do everything to make you feel better even if it means breaking his professional looking act.

You were doing your work as usual when you suddenly got a phone call from your personal phone, that means it was important. No one was paying attention to you so you whipped it out and answered it.


"(Y/n)... I'm afraid we have some bad news"

"Huh? Mum is everything ok?"

You instantly began to panic, you were all the way in Japan, your family back at home, of this was really bad, there's nothing you can do about it.

This seemed to get L's attention, he turned to look at you, wondering what was going on.

"It's your father... he's... left us" your mum said.

"As in-"

"No, he's left us, he ran off with some French girl"

You didn't know what to say. After you turned about 14, he started to become a total drop kick, slacking and drinking, not going to work, not supporting the family... but he was your dad, you still loved him.

"W-what?" You stammered.

You began to get shaky, feeling tears well up in your eyes.

"This morning your sister and I found him packing up his car, we begging him to stay but he left... he said he's never coming back and judging form the way things have been the past few years I think he means it. I never told you girls because I didn't want you to worry, but he's been cheating on me for years now..."

"M-mum, I'm so sorry"

"It's no ones fault but his. I have to tell my parents, I'll call you back tonight ok?"

"O-ok" you felt tears start to fall down your cheeks.

"I'll talk to you later ok? Goodbye I love you sweetheart"

"I love you too mum, bye"

You hung up and dropped your phone, instantly breaking down into loud sobs, making the whole room turn to you.

This made L crack from his professional act, he jumped up and rushed over to you, pulling you into his arms and wrapping tight.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" He asked.

The taskforce just watched in shock, they'd never seen L act so fast, or sound so sympathetic.

"M-my dad just left us... he ran off with some French girl... HE LEFT HIS WIFE AND KIDS FOR SOME SLUT!" You sobbed.

"Aw honey..."

You sobbed into his chest, the taskforce felt sympathetic for you sure, but they'd never seen L act sincere, or call you honey for that matter, they didn't know what to think.

"I thought he loved us... why would he do that to his kids..? now I don't have a proper dad... H-he, HES A JERK!"

"He's horrible, he shouldn't have have left his family like that... why would anyone leave someone as amazing as you?" L said.

"I guess he never loved me..."

"How can anyone not love you?"

You just sobbed some more into L's chest, letting all the emotions out.

L looked over at the taskforce when we're all just staring at him in shock.

"What? Can I not comfort someone?" He said.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now