Head canon promots master post

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This is where you will find a list of head canons that will be turned into oneshots! You can message me your own if you want one written but if you're to shy and you like what I have here then just comment on the ones you'd want to see. This part will be updating as I come up with new things so check back every so often for something new. A tick means they've been written, if there's a tick and not a matching oneshot for it, it just means I haven't published it yet.


•along with watari, you are the only person he truely cares about.

•L is a messy cryer. He rarely cries but when he does it's hard to get him to stop. He's the kind of person that loses control as it takes over his body, heavy sobs and lots of tears. ✔️

•although L is calm he's also very easily angered, he's very good at bottling it up though. If and when he does explode, he'll have a full on scream at whoever pissed him off.

•even with his amazing mind, he can't tie his shoes. ✔️

•HATES taking baths but hates being dirty even more so he's often tied with weather he wants to feel clean or is it can wait another day.
-he'll also complain he feels dirty then refuse to take a bath because 'the case is more important'
-you force him. And he ends up not regretting giving in to you when he's all warm and clean again.

•he can sing amazingly, but only soft songs. No screamo or fast paced songs.

•he hates when you get too friendly with light ✔️

•he goes all out for anniversaries.

•he holds you very dear to his heart because you were the one that accepted him, and loved him even though he's not normal and can be a handful (and he knows it). He loves you to bits and would never let you go because you mean so much to him.
-additionally, watari thinks you two are perfect for each other, he never wants you to leave L and loves you as a daughter in law. He loves that L found himself someone that accepts him.

•he can't take care of himself at all, but can somehow take care of you.

•the first few times acing sexually were incredibly awkward.

•that being said, after a few times it's become kind of a whatever thing. You've seen each others bodies and now there's nothing to hide. So when sex does come up in conversation between you two, you speak like it doesn't matter.
-unless you're trying to seduce each other, then you'd talk all seductive.

•L likes cats best, but dogs are ok as long as they aren't too big. ✔️

•he was incredibly shy as a child, he always tried to hide behind watari and clung to him like glue.
-you were the only person apart from watari he talked to up until he was about 12

•although he's a skinny noodle, he's strong. He just doesn't gain muscle as easily, the strength is there though. ✔️

•he occasionally enjoys watching anime and reading manga.
-Death Parade and the Future Diary are his favourites.

•he is very temperature sensitive to the cold. Anything below 25(c) is too cold for him.
-but he doesn't seem to feel the heat as much.

•his hair is untameable, it's so fluffy that brushing it just makes it worse. The most you could do is put it in a little ponytail, and even then that would only take about 20% of his hair. ✔️

•he can play the piano and violin. ✔️

•he can also speak English, Japanese, Korean, French, Swedish and Italian.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now