Push in

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A/n: time for L to be a true sub his girl is strapping it on and shoving it in.
Waring, contains: lewd language, female domination, strap ons, rear entry, masterbation AND THE RETURN OF THE CHOCOLATE PASTE.
Also really random but DANI CALIFORNIA IS A BOP. It was the credits song for the 2006 live action Death Note and it's so good.

Everyone on taskforce was a professional and trained police officer. You were too, but you had another profession up your sleeve... a while ago before you became a cop, you needed money so you ended up working in an adult store. That placed changed your damn life, there were toys you never knew existed in there.

Needless to say, after a few years of working there, you'd ended up owning half the shops products.

You went in an innocent girl and came out a lust crazed dom wanting a sub.

And it seems you found your sub...

L, your co-worker and the worlds greatest detective, was the perfect candidate.

He was quiet, naive to the wold of sex and sensitive.

How did you know he was sensitive? Well... time for a flashback.

"L, if you don't let me clean the blood it will get infected"

"It's in such a weird place though"

During one of his stupid tennis tournaments against Light, things got violent, he'd tripped on his shoelaces and topped over landing on a rake in the nearby garden.

The tennis stopped pretty quick.

You were the one to take him inside and sit him on the floor of the bathroom. His jeans had ripped and his legs were bleeding on the inner thigh.

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm worried that's all"

You got a wet towel and some bandaids form the cabinet and managed to get his jeans off, blood now dropping onto the floor.

You began to clean the wounds as he awkwardly looked away, you were basically rubbing his thighs.

"Does it hurt?"


"Are you sure, the cuts are pretty deep"

"I'm sure"

You ripped open one of the bandaids and placed it over the cut. As you rubbed your fingers over to make sure it stuck, you heard it- a very quiet almost inaudible moan. You instantly got the image of L subbing you in your head.

"There, no more stupid tennis games ok?"


You helped him to his feet and decided to tease him just a little more.

You slipped your hands around his waist and pulled him closer.

You wrapped you arms around him, making it seem like a friendly hug. But as you pulled him him, you sneakily poisoned your leg in between his thighs, so your knee rubbed against his crotch. And sure enough, another small moan was let out.

"Don't do make me worry like that again, that could have been much worse" you said.


That's how you knew.

You barley touched him, all you did that day was brush against him and he liked it.

So... sensitive, naive, cute, seemingly innocent... he was perfect.

You could just tell he would like it too, you could always spot who was the sub and who was the dom when you worked at that shop. It was a little skill that stuck with you.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now