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Head canon: he's a little insecure, even thought he has no reason to be.
-he can't fix his posture, eyebags and he doesn't really like his hands

Something L tends to sweep under the rug is his insecurities. He tends to not think about it, but when they cross his mind it hits him like a truck.

Just like tonight. You'd just gone out to a fancy dinner with your parents and your sister, she'd just gotten a boyfriend and she wanted you all to meet him.

When he saw you all dressed up, it occurred to him that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to look as stunning as you. Even when you're just lounging around in your pyjamas, you still look so good.

But he felt like he'd never even look normal.

You'd just come down form taking a shower after dinner to say goodnight to everyone.

"Hey where's L?" You asked.

"I think he went up to his floor to get something" Matsuda said.

"Oh ok, I just want to say goodnight and tell him I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late Matsu"

"Sure thing, goodnight"

"Night guys!"

You went upstairs and up to L's floor.

You're not actually allowed up here, but you were just going to pop your head in and say goodnight.

"L? You here?"

There was no reply. You hesitated but went further into his floor, you weren't meant to but you wanted to make sure he knew you weren't working for the night.

"L? I know I shouldn't be up here I just want to say goodnight!" You called out.

You saw a light at the end of the hallway, the door was half open. You crept toward the light and poked your head around the corner to find him leaning against the sink, looking down rather than in the mirror.

"Hey, I know I shouldn't be up here but I'm going to bed so I just wanted to say goodnight"

It was quiet.

"Hey, are you ok?"

You walked into the room, and up to him, the closer you got the more you knew something was wrong.

You put a hand on his shoulder, and put on your worried tone.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked.

He sighed shakily and rubbed his eyes with his sleeves.

"Nothing" he replied.

"L, you NEVER act like this. There's obviously something wrong or I wouldn't be allowed this far into your floor"

"It's nothing"

"L, listen to me. What. Is. Wrong?"

You pulled on his shoulders so he was facing you, his eyes were red, it looked like he'd been crying, but this is L, is he even capable of crying?

You gave him a sympathetic look and pulled him into a hug. He seemed to accept it and gently wrapped his arms loosely around you.

"Tell me, I won't judge"

He took a breath and his voice seemed shaken.

"I'm so... disgusting"

You felt like a bus had just hit you. How could he think that? Those words made you feel all his pain.


"You're stunning. Everyone on the taskforce looks decent, and then there's just... me, I can't stand up straight without by spine breaking, my eyebags look like smudged eyeline and everything about me is so unappealing"

You didn't think L would care about looks, but deep down, everyone cared about something, even if it's just a little bit.


You pulled back from the hug and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I think you're smoking hot. Your eye bags suit you, they add character. Your slouch isn't even noticeable, believe me no one even batts an eye at it. Your hair is perfect, it's fluffy and makes you look cute. Even if your sense in fashion is just blue jeans and white shirts with the occasional jacket, it suits you, it works with you whole appearance. You're so freaking attractive it's crazy! I love every single inch of you" you said.

You went to grab his hands but he pulled them away.

"My hand are gross too, they're always cold..."

You went for his hands again, this time getting him and holding on tight.

"So? You can always warm up your hands. They're fine, you're fine. I don't care what you say, you're wrong, you're absolutely stunning, don't doubt yourself" you said.

"I'll never compare to anyone else, especially not you, you look ten thousand times better than me"

"No way, I could never compare to you, I barely brush my hair, I never wear matching clothes, I never put in effort to my look. Have you seen my style? I'm literally wearing a purple shirt and green pants with dogs on them right now, they don't match at all!"

"Yes but you make all that look cute" he said.

"And you make your style look cute! If I can make dog pants look good, you can make anything look cute too, especially those eye bags"

He smiled at you and gave you a thankful look. You barely see L smile, you were definitely going to treasure this.

"I love you so much..." he said.

You gave him a smile and pulled him into a another hug, kissing him on the cheek in the process.

"I love you too, you gorgeous creature"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now