Stress relief

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A/n: officially love this idea anon. Also GUESS WHOS GOING TO TWENTY ONE PILOTS AGAIN. Also I seem to have fixed the publishing issue so the part threes will be up next. Have this in the meantime.

Head canon: the Kira case is really stressful for everyone. If L's not eating the stress away with candy he will write it out.

You were awake at midnight again, unable to sleep. Stress usually did that to you. You you decided to do a little snooping to kill time.

You wandered down the halls and into the monitor room. It was empty, L must be getting food or something. You sat on a spiny chair and span over to the screens, everyone was sleep and you saw L in the kitchen waiting for something to heat up in the microwave.

You looked around for something to do and saw a free laptop that wasn't being used, you reached over to grab it but accidentally knocked something off the table. You looked down and saw a book, a notebook lying open on the floor.

You knew that notebook as the one that sits on L's desk that he keeps under papers and always closed.

It was already open so your eyes were just drawn to it, you picked it up and looked at the pages. L's messy handwriting covered the pages in blue ink. A couple of scribbles here and there correcting mistakes.

You couldn't help but read it. There were little sentences in little bubbles all over the page. You guessed they were just his thoughts, random things he wanted to get out, but as you read them, you were shocked to see how deep the were.

'I just wanna know what's on your mind, I used to say I wanna die before I'm old, But because of you I might think twice'

'Some people and I have a really tough time getting through this life so excuse us while we sing to the sky'

'Get out of my head. Go away. Leave me alone. We're broken people'

'I know a thing or two about pain and darkness'

'Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust that's flawless'

'I'm trying to sleep but I can't when you all have guns for hands'

'Take the pain and ignite it'

'I'm out of my mind. I'm not seeing things right'

'You're the tear in my heart, but my heart is my armour'

'I've been thinking to much'

'I'm running out of time...'

You closed the book and saw 'stress relief' written in the cover in sharpie.

Part of you was glad L was doing something to wind down in this case, part of you was worried for his wellbeing. If these were all his thoughts, he must have a dark mind.

You put the book on the table and leaned back in your chair, staring at the floor in shock.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing up?"

You jumped and looked up to see L. You just stared at him, still slightly shook from everything you just read.


L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now