The stars

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Au: soulmate au where you see stars falling in front of you when you're close to your soulmate, they lead to to them

You just wanted to go home, you were so tired and work was so boring. But because your car was being fixed, you had to walk home.

You were so out of it.

Then you saw something in the distance.

A falling star.

"Aw, someone must be close to their soulmate" you said to yourself.

You continued to walk along the street, craving that chocolate cake you had at home. But you were suddenly stopped in your tracks by a star falling right in front of you.

The people around you looked at you in awe.

"No way..."

You saw a star in the distance, you were close to your soulmate.

You looked up and saw another star fall a little further away from you, you walked toward it and as soon as you reached it, another one fell, you began to follow them, seeing other stars falling in the distance. It looked like they were over at the park, your soulmate was at the park.

The stars in front of you began to fall faster and faster, you picked up the speed, running after them down the streets. People watched as you ran past, others could see the stars, it was always a big deal when someone saw the stars, lots of people had started to follow you, wanting to watch the whole thing play out.

You had to stop at a crosswalk and wait for the cars to pass.

"Come on!" You said to yourself

You saw your soulmates stars falling in the distance, they were getting closer, the park was a few blocks away.

Suddenly someone on a bike stopped in front of you.

"He's by the bakery last time I saw him, you've got yourself a looker he's real cute" they said.

You get even more exited. The cars stopped and you were able to cross.

"Thank you" you said, running off to find your soulmate, chasing the stars.

You now had a crowd of people running after you, you could see your soulmates stars getting closer and closer.

The park was so close, just across the road, you managed to catch a red light, you booked it across the road and followed the last star as it flew ahead of you.

It hit the ground with a tingling sound, a star formed above your head, floating there.

You caught your breath for a moment, then you suddenly heard the tingling of your soulmates star in front of you.

This was it. The man you'd spend your life with is right in front of you.

You looked up, your heart stopping at the sight of the cutest boy you've ever seen right in front of you.

He had messy black hair, with an equally messy fringe. He looked very tired, with very noticeable eyebags under his eyes. He wore a long white shirt with blue jeans, we was missing shoes you didn't question that, this whole thing was a rush. His eyes were a very deep shade of grey-blue, they were very pretty. He looked at you as he caught his breath.

It was definitely him, he had the star above his head.

The crowd around you watched in anticipation. You saw a blonde girl and brunette boy push through the crowd behind your soulmate. Friends maybe?

"Oh my god she's so pretty!" The girl said.

"That's his soulmate? He scored a good one..." the boy said.

The raven haired boy stared at you, scanning you down. Neither of you acted, you just took a moment to take each other in.

Then you felt... drawn to him. You took a step forward, so did he, and before you knew it, you were running up to him, he was running up to you.

You met on the middle, throwing your arms around each other and smashing your lips together. The stars above your head crashing tighter and exploding like a firework. The crowd you'd gathered cheered, happy that two more people had just found the one they'd love forever.

The kiss lasted a while, like all the bottled up emotion was pouring out. When it broke, you smiled at each other, resting your foreheads against each other.

You began to laugh, so full of a that bubbly happy feeling. He laughed too, it sounded like an angels singing it was so cute.

"You're gorgeous" he said.

"You're the cutest boy I've ever seen" you replied.

"And what's my soulmates name?"

"Funny that, I'll tell you my proper name when we're in a less crowed place, I recommend you do the same, my job can be dangerous. But for now, Ryuzaki" he said.

"Ooo, a dangerous job? What are you a spy?"


"Sick, my soulmates a detective. Well in that case for now you can all me ichigo"

By now the crowd as mostly left, that blonde and brunette were still there.

"Ryuzaki" the girl said.

He turned to face her.

"We'll meet you back at taskforce"

And with that, they left.

"Workmates?" You questioned.

"Suspects" he replied.

"Damn, you do have a dangerous job. Just walking around with your suspects"

"Let's go somewhere else, that way our names won't be at risk"

You locked your fingers with his and pulled him along with you.

"My house is safe, all that's there is a cat"

You talked about your interests and got to know each other the whole way home.

You introduced your cat to Ryuzaki who seemed to like it.

"You're aware of Kira right?" He said.

"Who isn't?"

"Those two I was with are suspected to be Kira. Please don't ever give your real name to them, I just met you, I can't lose you"

"Wow, ok that's been noted"

"Now, how about a proper introduction?"

"Ok, hello soulmate, I'm (y/n)" you said.

"That's so pretty..."

"Shush you..."

"Well, hello (y/n), I'm L, L Lawliet" he said.

You suddenly had everything click in your mind.

Kira suspects? Not saying names?


"NO FUCKING WAY-" you exclaimed.

He laughed at your reaction.

"Yes fucking way"


He watched you jump around in excitement with a smile on his face.


He just giggled and did that adorable head tilt.

"I love you too, thank you"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now