Secret outing

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A/n: sorry for the lack of updates. I smashed my phone screen but it's all fixed now so I'm back.

Head canon: L's a total anime fanboy but hides it. You found out in the strangest way.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

That was the seventh time you'd been stopped for a picture. You were at an anime convention cosplaying as the MeMeMe girl. You were strutting around in a pink dress, blue hair and red heels, people seemed to really like your costume, you kept being stopped for photos.

You were having a lot of fun meeting other cosplayers and buying anime merch. Thank god L randomly called a day off, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come.

You were walking down the halls to the meet up you were going to on the other side of the convention centre when you spotted someone dressed as your counterpart, Otaku-Kun from the same music video you were dressed from.

He seemed to notice you too because you made eye contact and started to walk toward each other, getting out your cameras. How could you not take a picture with your counterpart?

You reached each other in the middle of the hall, you spoke first.

"Can I get a picture? I just have to take a picture with the counterpart" you said.

"Wait... (y/n)?"

You recognised that voice, you scanned the boy down. He slouched... and no amount of makeup could cover those eyebags.

"L?" You questioned.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?"

"I'll ask you the same thing. I didn't think you'd be into cosplay, let alone anime stuff"

"I've always liked anime, I called off work just to come here. I go every year"

"Same... wow I didn't think I'd run into you. Your costume is great. Although it's strange not seeing you in white and blue"

"Thanks, your costume is great too, you've even added those little yellow frills and everything" he said.

"Thanks, I'm going to the meet up, I have a photographer there, wanna come?"

"Sure, I've never really done a photoshoot before"

With that you walked over to the meetup.

L? An otaku? AND A COSPLAYER? You never would have guessed. And what are the chances you come as matching characters? Oh well, may as well have fun with this.

When you reached your photographer you'd hired and knew quite well, you did all the introductions and jumped straight into the photoshoot.

"Ok, you stand here, back straight..." you said, positioning L to take a photo with him.

Time skip.

Those who were at taskforce were bored, they had no work to do and no L to boss them around. It was getting pretty late too.

"Where do you think he is?" Light asked.

"No idea" Misa replied.

Just as she said that, L's computer beeped. They looked over to see a message notification, most he connected to his phone.

Matsuda, being curious, opens the message and found it was from you.

'Here's all the pictures. When you're done at that panel meet me in the main hall then we can go to the after party' it read. It was sent a while ago but only came through now because of all the photos attached.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now