Dailouge prompt post

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Trying something new. There's not to many bc this is a new idea, if it works I'll add more.

Dialogue prompts! Any sentences you wanna see a oneshot for, comment.


"What the the hell happened to taskforce?"
"L happened" ✔️

"You, light yagami, are Kira"
"What's it to you?"

"Shut up"

"The baby's coming!"

"I'm so stressed... I just want to... like, sit on the couch and watch sailor moon and cuddle..."

"I can't believe you! I put all my trust in you and you go and stab me in the back!"
Bonus: "I just ate the last cookie..."

"Get fucked, like I could solve a case like that"

"What the hell happened to L?"
"You don't wanna know"

"It's 3am what are you doing awake?"
"Screaming into the void, what else?"

"Wow I love that band!"
"I mean yeah, they're cool, I love them at a normal amount.."

"Don't leave me, don't you dare! No, this can't be happening, come back! Please!"

"It's just... you see *sigh* cuddles?"

"You're hot"
"I know, I look fine"
"No as in you feel warm"
"I'm still hot though"

"This case has made me depressed"
"Aw baby..."
"Isn't that just a fancy word for being bummed out"
"...light you ignorant slut"

"Ok, I leave for two minutes- alright what happened"
"Well... it's just... I can explain.."
"Explain why there's COOKIE BATTER ALL OVER THE ROOF?!"


"Am I a good boy?"

"On your knees baby boy"

"If you don't stop complaining about the heat, I'll give you a reason to feel hot"

"Want to try that again, sweetie?"

"Don't you dare fucking cum"

"Who's your daddy?"
"You are!"

"I want you... so badly, fuck me until I scream, let the whole world know I'm yours"

"Can I have my panties back?"

"You're going to let me pin you down, you're going to let me inside you, ok sweetheart?"

"Baby girl, come here"
"What is it?"
"You've caused a problem you're going to fix"

"You can't touch me for a week, you can cum for a week, I'm watching you"

"You're such a slut, I love you"

"I want more! I need more! Give me more! I can't take this teasing any longer just fuck me!"

That's what I've got so far. Also I'm trying to make a little character sheet of outfits for L, I need ideas tho, got any outfits to put L in. And yes, one of them is a little inspired one, also yes I have plans to draw him in a suit.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now