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A/n: important authors nota at the end.

Head canon - L dislikes kids, but if you're were to fall pregnant, he'd man up and accept them.

You were quite nervous today. You had found out you were pregnant a month ago, but you knew L hated kids, so you were so worried to tell him.

You couldn't hide it for much longer, soon enough the baby will start to grow and you couldn't exactly hide a baby belly, and there was no way you were getting rid of this child. At times you'd second guessed yourself, but the tests were all positive, you'd missed your period and you threw up a lot during the first few weeks, you were definitely pregnant.

You paced up and down the halls, trying to work up the courage to tell L. You knew he loved you, but you were scared he wouldn't love his own child. Then it hit you, you were going to tell Watari first, he was your father in law anyway.

You wandered down to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

You stepped in and closed the door.

"Ah, (y/n), what brings you here?" He asked.

"I have something really important to tell L, but I'm kind of scared so I'm telling you first, you've known L longer than I have, you know how he'd react"

"Ok? What is it?"

"I-I'm pregnant..." you said.

"Congratulations (y/n)! I'm sure L will be over the moon with joy" he said.

"Are you sure... he hates kids so..."

"He'll accept his own child I'm sure of it"

"B-but what if he doesn't?"

"(Y/n), listen, L loves you to bits. He may dislike children, but if it was his own child he will definitely accept them. Come on, you should tell him" he said.

"Ok... thanks Watari"

He followed you down the halls and into the monitor room.

"L" he said.

L turned and titled his head in confusion.

"(Y/n) has something important to tell you"

You walked over to him, the whole taskforce watching.

"L... I love you, and even though I'm so scared, I have to tell you" you said.

He gave you a worried look.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I... I'm pregnant"

It fell dead silent. You began to fear the worst, ready to cry if necessary.

"You're pregnant?"

You nodded, now shaking in fear at what he was going to say. But to your surprise, a massive smile broke on his face.

"You're pregnant? (Y/n) are you joking?"

You shook your head.

"How long?"

"A month..."

"OH MY GOD (Y/N)!"

He pulled you into a tight hug and picked you, up spinning you around.

"You're not mad?" You asked.

"Why would I be mad? I'm going to be a dad!" He smiled.

"But you hate kids..."

"(Y/n), this is OUR kid. We created it, it's our family, if it's our kid I'd die for it"

"Oh thank god"

You pulled him back into a hug and you both just stood there for a moment, taking it all in. When the hug broke, everyone began to congratulate you. You thanked them all and then Watari came up to you.

"See? I told you it would be ok"

A/n: ok, so my laptop has been broke for 6 months now. It's the only place where all my photos, music and stories were backed up. It was all fine because it was on my phone still... not anymore.

I've tried so hard to back up everything from my phone to another computer, and I got so close to doing that today, but instead of backing it up... it wiped my phone. I've lost everything, not only photos,773 songs and other important data, but whole stories I've been working on for months, they're just gone. The only way I can get them back is by somehow fixing my broken laptop, but it will cost so much to do that. I'm literally in tears because I've lost so much hard work and I can't get it back. I've also lost the death note soundtrack and musical songs that I listen to religiously, all my cosplay photos are gone, my whole folder full of edits of L and fanart is gone... I've lost everything. I wanted to get something up for you guys, and I'll continue writing as best as I can on this.

But I've lost whole stories that weren't published and have been working on for months, they are all gone.

I can't believe I've worked so hard just for it all to get wiped because apple is a cunt and refuses to sync things with more than one computer.

I had a whole story ready to transfer on here and publish too...

I seriously want to throw my laptop and phone out the damm window and never look at them again I'm so upset about it.

But I will try as best as I can to keep writing on here, but that's just wants happened so some things may have a major delay.

That's all.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now