Death Note fanfic cliches

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Ok starting off hello I'm back a few hours later but I really wanted to put this out here for aspiring writers that don't know what to fic also bc I wanna see how many people have seen these cliches. I'll be moving this chapter to a different section of the book after it's published to don't panic.

Moving on.

So I've read a shit load of Death Note Fic.

So I thought I'd list the cliches that are in literally every damn story (mostly x readers)

•Misa is a bitch.
Plz don't make her a dick. She's actually such a good character and a total waifu.

•Someone is related to a shinigami
It's usually the person is ryuk a sister or daughter that can magically turn human.

•Beyond is magically alive.
This doesn't apply when it's a fic about or around the LABB case time, but check your facts guys, during the Kira case he's dead.

•Light/Matsuda is your brother.
Sometimes is one of the alphabet children (L, Near, Matt, Mello, B) but it's usually Light to Matsuda.

•In L x readers, Light is trying to get with you
And vice versa for Light x readers. Sometimes Matsuda will have a crush on you too

•L escapes death
(I'm ok with this tho)

•the "I can't love him because he's Kira" thing.
Also known as Light Yagami, your ex-best friend.

•you get kidnapped a lot

•the only God light is a a sex one

•same goes for L

•Near, Matt or Mello is either your brother or child
(Of its not an N x reader or the M&Ms x reader)

•"l go to bed"
"No, insomnia"
"Sleep with me"
"Holy shit yes"
((I'm guilty of this so it's cute))

•if L and Light aren't fighting over you, they're planning on fucking you

•H A N D C U F F S

•the 'Life Note'

•you magically have a death note

•"L and Light are my best friends! I can't betray Light, but he's Kira I have to tell L! Idk what to do fuck"

Now for some things I don't see but could be cool in a full length story.

•a polyamorous relationship between you and the two fighting over you

•Misa as a female love interest and/or love rival (she's the one fighting for you)

•let's say L and Light are fighting over you, and you love both of them. But why doesn't anyone to one of the boy having a crush on you and the rival in love??
(Even tho I hate LawLight)

•a shinigami dies for you the way rem died for Misa.

•a bisexual/pansexual/Asexual/ Demisexual reader or character
((TBH if L was anything he'd be ace or Demi. I could also totally see Misa as Bi if you like that))

•a transgender/ non binary reader

• a love triangle? That's old news, what about a love square?

•the taskforce being bigger characters
((I'm guilty of this but that's bc I only write oneshots I don't have much use for them))

•Watari being a bigger character

•those belts L gave taskforce are never used but that could be a great plot point.

•also lights watch with the death note paper in it could be a plot twist of the century

•a blind/deaf/mute reader

•you always see depressed readers but what about other mental illnesses and conditions? Dyslexic? Autistic? Schizophrenic? What about anxiety? What about an eating disorder? If you're going to write about things that affect a persons life in dramatic ways there's more than just depression.

•a disabled reader, I've never once seen a reader than can't walk, or can't move part of their body or has lost a limb

So there you go. If you're looking for something that hasn't been done much there some suggestions.

Also just saying it'd 100% read an L x reader x Misa book. Gimme that bi/pan reader it by a good read.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now