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Head canon: L needs glasses but doesn't wear them, Watari has given up on trying to make him wear them.

The room was quiet as everyone worked their asses off to get new evidence on the case, recently it had been quite busy. You were stapling some papers when you head L speak up to you.

"Hey (y/n)?" He said.


"Can you grab a new packet of pens from that drawer?"


You pushed off the desk and slid on your spinny chair over to the drawers on the other side of the room. You opened it and dug around for some pens, you found some and was about to close the drawer until you saw something else buried under the office supplies. It was a glasses case.

You grabbed it and opened it to see some plain black frames inside.

Who's we're these?

You slid back over to L and gave him the pens.

"Thanks" he said.

"Who's are these? I've never seen them before" you said, pulling in the glasses, your vision going all weird.

He looked over and saw you wearing his glasses, he giggled at the sight of you looking around in confusion with the glasses on.

"They're mine" he said.

"Yours? You never wear them though"

"I find them distracting, they always fall off too"

You took off the glasses and your vision cleared again.

"I wanna see them on you"

You slid them on so they sat over his nose and ears.

You suddenly felt cupids arrow hit you, he was so damn cute with glasses.

"Wow, I can see again" he said, having to adjust to the now clear vision of a second.

"Holy shit" you said.


"You're so... CUTE!"

Your sudden outburst made everyone turn to look for a moment.


"You need to wear glasses more often! For your eyes health and for my sake. Like I knew you were cute but damn glasses make you extra cute!"

You saw his cheeks go a little red.

"Um- thanks?"

"Aw! You're so cute... but it's also kind of hot" you said.


"Yeah you heard me, glasses make you hot"

His cheeks just went redder.

Good lord he was so attractive.

"My god if looking at someone attractive could get you pregnant you'd be a father..."

His cheeks just went even redder.

"Awe look at you getting all flustered"

"Stop!" He whined.

"Nope! You're just to cute!" You giggled.

He tried to hide his face him his hands but you pulled them away and smiled at him. And just to make him blush even more, you gave him a quick peck on the lips.

He froze and just stared at you for a moment before blushing madly and shyly looking away.

"Too cute"

"W-well you know... now that I can see you as not a blurry blob... y-you're actually a lot cuter than I initially thought..." he said.

And now it was your turn to blush.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang