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A/n: I know that Lawliet is technically his last name but some people do use last names like a first name and call people by their last name and because I thing Lawliet is pretty I usually do that.

Head canon: in the instance you're a singer, you'd write a whole song for L.

You wore music. You have a whole notebook full of songs. No one knew, its was just your little thing you were too embarrassed to tell anyone.

You never really wrote about feelings for anything, but you did like to make little stories with your songs.

Although after being on the Kira case... your latest piece was a story of L. He didn't know, no one did.

But you knew his name.

How? Accident.

You were wake and walking down the hall to get a headache tablet when you walked past L talking to Watari, who said his name. They didn't know anyone was awake. You kept it secret though, you know it was a secret to take to the grave. That's why you wrote your song for him in a lockable journal, and hid it with you at all times.

You were out currently, with the taskforce on a meeting. Who was snooping in your room? L.

Why? Because you seemed a little suspicious to him, how you kept literally everything to yourself, like you were keeping a secret. He know you weren't Kira, but he had to check to make sure and find peace of mind. Unluckily for you, you'd left your book on the desk as you had to leave in a rush.

"She can't be Kira, she's too pure for that..." L mumbled to himself as he stood on his tip toes to look at your top shelf.

Nothing but books and teddy bears.

He looked around the room for anything he missed, walking over to the desks and looking in the drawers.

Just pencils and sketch books.

He looked on the desk, pen cups, pens, paper and... a black lockable journal, open.

"Huh? I didn't think she kept a diary?"

But upon picking up the book, he saw that is definitely wasn't a diary.

Among the scribbles of trying to get the pen working and little pictures you'd doodled in the margins, was a song.

'L Lawliet'

[verse 1]
He sits alone in a dark room with a single light
Secluded from the harsh world, fighting for what's right
He's hiding from the people, while helping mankind
His fate may be set in stone, but I'll crush it until you're safe.

What a heavy burden he must hold.

What are you planning, mister detective?
How are you going to fight?
I know you'll find a way, it's only a matter of time.
Just remember your life is more important than a case, L Lawliet.

[verse 2]
The clock is ticking, he's getting closer
So pile on the sugar and be ready for a long night
This case is but an unfair game of chess, one wrong move and you'd be next.
He's planning his next move, but his fate is written in stone, one I'll smash with all my might.

The world is bitter, that can only be satisfying with a coat of sugar.

What are you planning, mister detective?
How are you going to fight?
I know you'll find a way, it's only a matter of time.
Just remember your life is more important than a case, L Lawliet.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now