Night watch

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Edit: there's been some kind of glitch that got rid of half this oneshot after it was published, the end was re-written

Head canon: since he never sleeps, he'd be the one watching the baby at night.

You were still absolutely exhausted. A few weeks ago you gave birth to your first child, and the whole experience drained you. You didn't realise how much energy you lost during the whole ordeal until the baby started crying one night and you had to get up to tend to it.

After seeing how exhausted you were, L decided the night shifts were his responsibility since he doesn't sleep anyway.

He was working late on a new case and looking over the current evidence when his child started wailing from the other room.

Knowing it's wake you up, he was in the other room in seconds, picking up his child and rocking it back and forth, grabbing the pacifier and bottle on the way out. He sat back down in front of the computer and held the child in one arm, balancing her against his chest, holding the bottle up to her mouth with the same hand and she drank her milk.

He'd become good at multitasking with a child, he had a case to solve and a daughter to look after, it was a handful but he'd become good at it.

He gently rocked the baby back and fourth as he started to connect the dots on the recent case.

Suddenly he heard noises from upstairs.

"Please don't tell me that woke her up... she's already pushed a flipping child out of her she doesn't need anymore stress..." he said to himself, worried you may have woken up.

He then saw the dog trot down the stairs, he was relived. Just the dog, you were still asleep.

Suddenly the baby started to cry again.

"No, no, no!"

He put the bottle down and cradled the baby against him, gently patting her back.

"Shhh, calm down you're alright..."

She just kept crying.

"(D/n) please, you'll wake up mummy"

Still crying.

"Come on, please (d/n)..."

More crying.

At this rate you'd wake up for sure.

"Shhh... it's ok, daddy's here"

He gave her the pacifier and she stopped for the time being.

"Thank god..."

He listened for any movement upstairs, hoping you hadn't woken up.

It was silent, thank god.

He turned back to the computer and began to type one handed, jotting down a timeline of events to when the killer was active.

"Hmm... they only kill on weekends... that could mean they're a student or have a 9-5 weekday job..." he mumbles to himself.

It was a rocky case, even harder to deal with when he has to keep a child quiet.

Suddenly a beep went off on his laptop. It was Watari. He answered the call.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked.

"The ICPO request you briefly go over the information, they have new evidence"

"Very well, send it through"

He put his child down and gave her a toy to play with, hoping she'd fall asleep.

A new tab popped up, one with evidence, one with a view of the ICPO.

"L, we've discovered three new victims dead in their homes, there was a note found at one of the victims houses" a police officer said.

He looked over the note, it seemed like a run of the mill fake suicide note. What was odd about the killing was this was a Wednesday, not a weekend.

"Well, there's nothing too suspicious about the note, it's a standard fake suicide letter. But what we should really be looking at is the time of these killings. The killer has only ever struck on a weekend, meaning they've managed to get time off their schedule to kill... or they've figured out were onto them" L explained.

"That's interesting... who wouldn't be able to kill on weekdays?"

"Students and people with weekday jobs, if we- wait no don't chew on that!"

He was cut off by his daughter trying to eat the remote.

He took it off her and handed her a teething toy. She was developing quite fast.


"No, sorry that was my daughter. Anywa-"

"You have a daughter?"

Oops... shouldn't have said that.

"Y-yes, she's only a few weeks old. Now back to the case. If we continue to save information on a data base the killer may be able to access it. I suggest we hand write things from now on" he explained.

Suddenly he heard noises upstairs.

"Don't wake up..." he mumbled under his breath, thinking you could have woken up.


"Sorry, nothing. But like I said, hand writing these things will decrease the chances of information le- sorry one second"

He got up and walked over to his daughter who was now playing with a rattle toy.

"You're making this increasingly difficult sweet heart, you'll wake mummy" he said to his daughter, taking the toy off her and giving her another one.

He sat back down in front of the computer with his child in his arms.

"I apologise, this is unprofessional. I'm the only one awake to watch her at the moment" he said.

"That's ok, most of us have kids, they're a handful we get it" one of the officers said.

"As I was saying, we can't risk any more information leaks, not this far into the ca-"

He was cut of as he spotted you standing in the doorway.

Looks like that noise had woken you up anyway.

"Oh... hi honey..."

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now