L week - day 1

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Day 1 - Meeting for the first time.

Today was a very important day for the remaining taskforce working on the Kira investigation. Today, you'd meet L.

No one but a man named Watari could contact him, L was off the grid, no one knows where he's from, what he looks like, how old he is, where he lives or anything. L is the definition of mystery.

You felt so honoured that you were able to meet him, no one apart from you and the taskforce would ever get this chance. This is probably the only way anyone would ever get to see L.

When you woke up, you put on your usual work clothes and brushed through your hair, brushed your teeth and put anything you may need into your bag. You grabbed some coffee on the way out and jumped in the car. It would be a long drive, the hotel L was staying at was on the other side of the city.

You listened to your favourite movie soundtrack as you drive down the busy streets. You were so exited to meet L, but you had no idea what he would be like, you had no idea what to expect, in a way it was almost creepy to think about.

The music booming through your speakers made everything seem like a movie, you felt as if this weren't real, that it wasn't happening. But it definitely was, and you were just pumping with adrenaline and nerves.

You glanced at the clock, you'd be there way too early if you kept driving the way you were, so you decided to stop at a cafe for food since you'd missed breakfast. You ended up eating some chocolate cake and bought a packet of bubblegum to keep in your bag. You still had time to kill though, so you decided to look around at some surroundings shops.

You didn't plan on buying anything but the new issue of Tokyo Ghoul was just calling for you. And so was that DVD special... ok so maybe a few dollars went down the drain, but so what? You'd use them anyway.

You jumped back in the car and stuffed everything back in your bag, driving down to the hotel, still ending up early.

"Dmanit (y/n)... if you weren't to nervous you'd be thinking rationally... and you know, not get here 30 minutes early" you mumbled to yourself, waiting outside the hotel.

But it turns out you weren't the only one who got there early.

"Oh (y/n), you're here early"

You looked up to see Matsuda.

"Yeah, nerves I guess"

"Same, I don't know what to expect" he said.

"Me too, we know literally nothing about the guy, it could even be a girl for all we know"

"Gosh I didn't even think about that"

"I'm so nervous, I bet he's super serious about this..."

"He must be, I mean he is the worlds greatest detective after all"

"You two are early"

You both turned to see Chief Yagami approaching you.

"Oh, hello. Yeah I think it's just nerves" you said.

"I can understand that, this is a pretty big deal after all, although I'm not completely sure if he's trust worthy..."

"Huh? What makes you say that Chief?" Matsuda asked.

"That stunt with the inmate was a bit extreme"

"It did give us a massive lead though, plus he was on death row anyway... although I understand your concerns, I can see both sides" you said.

"Huh... that's a good point" Matsuda added.

You looked down at your watch, everyone else should be here soon. And sure enough as soon at that thought crossed your mind, the others showed up one by one.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now