No ordinary boy

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A/n: just because I really love thee mermaid/man au. Here's a little merman L oneshot. I did a quick lil pic of him as a merman ^^ no shading or anything and some proportions are off but I just love the mermaid AU sm. and you guessed it, I'm doing it aquamarine style.

Head canon: no head canon for this one.

First: the anatomy of merman L.
•Tail colour: blue
•Small patches of scales along his arms, chest and cheeks when in mer form
•side fins on ankle area for faster movement
•fluke based off dolphin and fish characteristics.
•when out of water for too long, he can get dehydrated
•likes salt baths.
•due to all the beach water, his hair is extra puffy and destroyed. No amount of shampoo can save it.
•help injured animals when out swimming because fish need justice too.

Ok now the oneshot:

Lately you'd noticed something weird.

L snuck out every night and came back at sunrise, then he'd stay in the bathroom for an hour before coming back to work.

It was odd, even for L who was pretty odd already.

You'd made it your mission to figure out what the hell we was doing. Did Watari know about this? What the hell was happing at night?

It was 8 o'clock in the summer, the sun was just finishing its rounds and almost completely set. Everyone was getting ready for bed or finishing up some work, but you were ready to follow L wherever he went.

As he left, you snuck out behind him, making sure to stay a good distance away so he didn't spot you. Maybe he was going to get food? Or going to a hotel or apartment?

He was wandering pretty far.

You followed him out of the city, the sea breeze was staring I kick in. You passed a park and then you heard it. The ocean.

The sound of waves crashing on the shore and the salty sea air filled your senses. You kept following.

He looked down at his watch and started to run like he was late for something.

You ran after him, making sure to keep a distance. Once you got down to the sand, you hid behind some rocks.

What the hell was he doing at the beach? Why was he sneaking off here every night.

He ran down to the end of a jetty and looked around to see if anyone was watching.

"What the-"

And then, he started to... sparkle? His feet began to glow and his whole body was engulfed in a blue light. He fell back into the water with a splash.


You got up and ran down the jetty, wondering what the fuck just happened.

As you reached the end of the jetty, you saw a gleaming blue tail flick out of the water. The figure connected to a human like shape.

Then it hit you.

"He's a... merman?"

You watched him swim off into the sea.


L, the worlds greatest detective, was a MERMAN.

You had to confront him about this.

You decided to wait for him to return, all night if you had to. You sat behind those rocks for hours in the dark summer night and at about 3am, you heard splashing.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now