How to write a Death Note OC

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Ok. So I have a weird grudges against OCs / fan characters. Probably because all the ones I've come across are trash.

So I've decided to make a template for a bio to make a believable Death Note OC since I know way too much about the world of Death Note. You cloud also use this for writing an X reader, just replace the OC with the reader.

So let's go.



Gender: (if trans, are they or will they transition in the story?)





Crush/significant other:

Physical appearance: (hair length/colour, eyes, skin, clothing style ect. You could just add a drawing of your OC here)

Family members: (include parents, siblings, husbands/boyfriends, girlfriends/wives, children etc.)

Organisation: (Kira worshiper, L follower, Japanese taskforce with L, SPK with Near, Kira with Light, Mafia with Mello etc. or none at all)

Wammys resident? (Do they/have they attended wammys?)

Alias: (if it's a wammys letter, avoid using A, B, M, N, L or W because they are all canon characters already)

Occupation: (even if they are with the taskforce, they would still have to be a cop to even get into it)

Relationships with canon characters: (do they know any canon characters? If so, how? And what are they to your character? If your character works with L or Near, are they one of their agents or just a co worker? If they work with Light, are they aware he's Kira and are they helping? Mello/Matt, are they in the mafia too? Or still at wammys? BB, are they helping him or against him?)

Are they aware of shinigamis existsnce? (If so, how?)

Do they have the shinigami eyes?

Do they own a Death Note? (If so, who is their shinigami?)

Do they know if the existence of Death Notes?

Do they know someone with a Death Note?

Mental/physical health issues:

Any history of self harm? Are they currently self harming?


Physical Strength:

Streangths: (what are they good at?)




Timeline: (does your character revolve around the LABB case, Kira case or the virus case from L change the world? Or the light up the new world timeline that takes place 10 years after? Or do they have their own case? If so, is it before or after the events of Kira/BB/Virus cases?)

Moral codes/justice views: (do they agree with Kira? Are they ok with murder? Do they agree with L? Do they agree with the laws of the country?)

Their 'thing'? (Like L's candy, Nears toys etc. your character does not need to have a thing)

Is your character dead/ will they die? (If so, is it because if Kira? Natural causes? Old age? Sickness? Suicide? Murder? Be specific)

Logo: (like the L or Kira logos, your character doesn't need a logo if you don't want)


That's pretty much it!

I'd also like to note that you have to be mindful of the timeline, this is a crime show, characters are important and things that happen are even more important. Every action has a consequence, good or bad.

Also be mindful of these things.

Characters around the LABB timeline: L, BB, Naomi, Raye, all three victims.

Characters in the Kira timeline: Light, L, Misa, Near, Matt, Mello, Matsuda and the taskforce, the SPK, sayu, Naomi and Raye, Ryuk, Rem, the mafia, Watari, Roger, takada, mikami, the yotsuba group, the Sakura TV workers.

Characters in the virus case timeline: L, Maki, Boy/other Near, the gang wanting the virus, the doctors with Makis dad working on the cure, K, the crepe truck driver that has connections to wammys.

Characters in the Light up the NEW world timeline: Matsuda, 'Ryuzaki' a new successor to L, Misa, the Japanese taskforce, some of Lights family, the holders of all 6 Death notes.

Characters connected to wammys house: L, Near, Matt, Mello, BB, A, Linda, Watari, Roger.

Characters alive before any of the events in the franchise (when L was a kid): L, BB, A, Watari, Roger. The others wouldn't have been born yet, while Lights parents, Yotusuba etc would have been alive, most story's centre around wammys since we actually have a canon past with wammys.

Also when changing a story line so a canon character lives, make sure it has the proper effects on the rest of the story. Make sure there are consequences.

Finally, try not to make your character a Mary Sue. Don't make them so over the top powerful that it's unbelievable. They need a good balance of strengths and weaknesses and their backstory can be sad but nor over the top tragic.

Hope this helps!

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