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Head canon: L likes the rain, he tends to just sit outside and let himself get soaked, he always gets sick because of it though.

You were at home, waiting for L to get back, but he was late. He usually never was, but this time it's been an hour since he was meant to get back. It was raining pretty bad, so you blamed it on the weather.

A clap of thunder made you jump, snapping you out if your thoughts. You looked down at your watch, it was 3:30, but it looked so much later because of the clouds and rain and that blocked the sun. You picked up your phone and gave L a call, only for him to not answer.

"Has the rain knocked out the service?" You thought aloud.

You tried again but got no answer.

"Must be the rain..."

You spun around in your office chair, listening to the thunder. You sighed as you watched the room spin, waiting in anticipation for L. That's when it hit you, L loves the rain. He's probably out there getting soaked and not even caring...

He's gonna get sick again...

You pulled on a jacket and grabbed an umbrella, he'd be at a park probably, just sitting there in the rain like usual. And he wonders why he's always sick...

You opened the door and a sudden massive gust of cold wind hit you. It was absolutely freezing, Jesus how is L not dying out there?

You locked the door opened your umbrella, beginning to walk down to the nearest park. Thunder made you jump, wanting you to hurry this up, find L and get home. You would have taken the car but it's back at HQ.

You pushed against the wind that blew the rain into your umbrella, making loud splatting noises.

"Goddamnit, where is he? I guess it's kind of my fault for telling him to walk home, but it would have taken longer to drive since the traffic is horrible today... stupid weather" you mumbled to yourself.

You pulled out your phone, went for another call but got nothing.

"That man..."

You made it to the park and sure enough you spotted him sitting on the swing, letting the wind rock him back and fourth, completely soaked.

"Damnit L, you're going to get sick..."

You walked up behind him and help the umbrella over his head, making him turn to face you.

"Oh, (y/n) what are you doing here?" He asked.

"You were meant to be home two hours ago, I was worried!" You said.

"Oh... uh, oops?"

"Oops? It's freezing! You're going to get sick!"

"I know, I like the rain though" he said.

"I know, but at least bring an umbrella" you replied.

You grabbed his hand and pulled him off the swing, his skin was like ice.

"Come on we're going home, geez your freezing" you said.

You wrapped an arm around him in an attempt to warm him up, you felt him shiver against you. You walked in silence all the way home, listening to the rain against the umbrella, jumping at the occasional surprise of thunder.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now