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A/n: my wifi was down sorry. Also I was losing my shit over 50% off. Best free parody ever. Also this is a little short soz

Head canon: his hair is untameable, it's so fluffy that brushing it just makes it worse. The most you could do is put it in a little ponytail, and even then that would only take about 20% of his hair.

It was bugging to so much for some reason. L's freaking hair just puffing all over the place, he did suit the shaggy look but there were some strands that were just pissing you off so much.

You'd ignored it all week, but it had finally gotten to you.

You grabbed a hairbrush off the desk and marched over to him, not even saying a word before pulling the brush through his hair, making him jump.

"WHAT THE- (Y/n) what the heck are you doing" he said.

"Brushing your hair, it's annoying me so much" you replied.

"Well, good luck with that"

You dragged the brush through his thick hair, getting all the knots and tangles out. The only problem was it kept frizzing up.

"What the heck why is it stuff puffing up? I've brushed this part a million times?!"

"My hair does that, its untameable"

"I'm taming it you watch"

You disappeared for a moment to grab detangling spray. You soaked his hair with the spray and began to brush again.

"That smells nice what is that stuff?" He asked.

"Detangling spray, its strawberry scented"

"Detangling spray? That won't work"

"It will"

You brushed out his dark hair and but the brush down, messing around with his hair by hand.

"What the heck?! It won't stay down!" You exclaimed.

"Told you" L replied.

"I'm getting water"

"That won't work"

You got a spray bottle of water and a towel anyway.

You soaked his hair and dried it so it was damp but not soaking, then dragging the brush through his hair again.

It only made it worse.

"Oh my god WHY?"

Now you were getting frustrated. You pulled on the hair tie in your wrist and took it off, if you couldn't keep it down, you could try and tie it back at least.

You pulled as much hair as you could into a tiny pony tail. You spun his office chair around so he was facing you.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"Put as much hair as I could into a pony tail, it kind of worked actually. All the frizz at the bottom is tamed but the top layer of your hair WON'T STAY DOWN!" You said.

"My hair is just too thick and prone to frizzing, nothing you try will work"

"What if I used gel?"

"(Y/n), I swear to god if you put that slime in my hair I will ask Kira to kill you, I do not want to have to wash my hair AGAIN"

"I wanna see if it works"

You dashed down the halls to find some hair gel, L jumped up and chased after you, trying to stop you.

"(Y/n) NO!"

"(Y/n) YES!"

You ran up the lights room where you opened the door without knocking to find him reading on the floor.

"Light do you have hair gel?" You asked.

"Yeah? Why?"

Suddenly L caught up to you.

"Light do not give her the hair gel!"

Upon realising was what going on Light got an evil smirk on his face.

"You hold him down I'll get the gel"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now