L did a thing

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Dialogue prompt: "what happened to taskforce?"
"L happened"

You left the building for five minutes.

Five minutes.

You went to go get more milk and came back to a war zone.

"What happened to taskforce?!" You exclaimed, walking into the room.

Chairs were tipped over, papers on the floor, pillows on the desks, knocked over pen cups on the floor.

"L happened" Matsuda replied, picking up pencils.

"L? The L? Did this?"

"Did you not notice what he was drinking?"


"Strawberry wine"

You suddenly realised. This wasn't good.

"He's drunk isn't he?" You asked.

"Yep" Matsuda replied.

You sighed.

"Where is he?"

"Having a laughing fit in the hallway"

You put the milk away and made your way down the halls trying to find him.

"(Y/n)! Thank god, L's absolutely smashed!" Misa said, running up to you.

"Where is he?"

"Upstairs, he's such a hyper drunk. He's been knocking stuff over with a nerf gun and singing Hello Bitches"


You took a moment to let it all sink in.

"I'll handle this"

You walked upstairs, grabbing the lid of  storage container to use as a shield against nerf bullets. You could he him laughing and when you turned the corner, he was lying on the floor, laughing with sunglasses on, trying to hit the light switch with the nerf gun.

"Good lord..." Misa, who had followed you, said.

Mission one, obtain the bottle of wine.


He jumped and pointed his nerf gun at you.

"(YYYYY/NNNNN) you're back!" He said, realising it was you.

"L, give me the wine"

"It's soooooooo good, try some!" He said, holding out the bottle.

Well, that was easier than you thought.

You took it form him and gave it to Misa.

"Hide it" you said.

She nodded and ran off to hide the wine. You watched as L tried to hit the light switch, being careful where you stepped in case you were hit with a nerf bullet.

Mission two, get the gun off him.

"L, you have to calm down" you said.

"I am calm! See? I'm suuuppperrrrr calm!" L laughed.

"Yeah, nah. You're not. Come on, you need to sober up"

You crept toward him, inching closer. He turned and pointed his gun at you.

"You shall not pass!" He giggled.

"Give me the gun"


He shot at you, but you luckily had your trusty plastic lid to protect you. This was going to be an episode that's for sure. You had no other choice but to wrestle it off him and drag him up to his room so he could sleep it off.

You dropped the lid and dived onto him, trying to pull the gun off him.

"GIVE ME THE GUN!" You exclaimed.



You both wrestled for it for a bit until you managed to get it out of his hands and tossed it across the room. He tried to dive for it but you grabbed him under the arms and started to pull him upstairs.

"LET ME GOOOOOO!" He whined.

"You're going to bed"



"You wouldn't dare..."


"No I'm not going"



"3, THATS IT!"

You pulled him up the stairs, but as you started to approach his room, he stopped struggling.

"I feel yuck.." he pouted.

Oh lord.

"Ok well you're definitely going to throw up..."

You pushed him into his room, shoving him into the bathroom.

"You are not to move until I get back!" You said.

You locked his door from the outside. You went downstairs to go get water.

"How's it going with L?" Matsuda asked.

"I'm working on it... he's going to be so hung over when he wakes up..."

You grabbed a water bottle and went back up to his room... only to find him lying on the floor, in misery.

"This is what happens when you drink too much"


The next morning you awoke to the feeling of someone shaking you.

"(Y/n)" a tried voice said.

"Yeah?" You replied, waking up.

"Why the hell are you in my bed?"

You sat up and rubbed your eyes to find a very tired and sickly looking L next to you.

"You got super drunk and destroyed the place so I had to keep you under control. You trashed taskforce, shot things with a nerf gun, tackled me because of it, threw up and passed out, I had to watch you" you explained.

L was silent for a moment.

"Thats probably by it feels like someone's trying to break my skull from the inside..." he replied.

"Yeah, you're suuupperrr hung over"

"Sorry... I don't even know why I started drinking in the first place..."

"It's fine, it was actually kind of funny. Just go back to sleep, you need it ok? I'll get some pain killer"

"Why are you still babying me? Haven't I caused you enough grief?"

"It's my job to baby you. I won't just leave you in pain like this" you said.

L gave you a sleepy smile.

"Thanks (y/n)... you're the best"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now