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A/n: after a couple thousand years, I've finally updated my bio and profile banner and icon. It's about time. Also I may re-make some of the covers to my books. I'd probably keep my L ones the same but the others need some updating.

Head canon: swears on occasion, and when he does it's usually yelled at top volume in a long string of over the top profanity.

You've never heard L swear before. He didn't seem to mind the taskforce swearing, but he hasn't sworn once the entire case.

Until today.

You were sitting beside him under the desk, untangling compute wires that were acting up. Every time you had to get up to get new wires, he's warn you not to hit your head... funny how that played out for him.

"Hey pass the the end of that blue one" you said.

He passed it over and you handed him the end of a black one.

"That end through here... and that one over this part..."

There were some major tangles, it was taking ages to get out. How it even got this tangled is a mystery, all you knew is that it had to be undone if you wanted working computers.

"Damn there's a knot" he said, trying to untie the knot in the wire he had.

"Maybe if you stick a pen in it you can pull it apart easier" you suggested.

"Good idea"

He tried to reach above the desk, feeling around for a pen, but couldn't find one, meaning he had to get up.

And that when he managed to smash his head into the desk.


You froze. L just freaking swore! And yelled! His voice was over a normal tone, what wizardry was this?

You suddenly snapped out of the shock, realising he'd just hurt himself.

"Are you ok?" You asked, dropping the wires and crawling over, pulling him into your arms.

"That hurt..." he pouted.

"I don't know what I'm more shocked about, you swearing or the fact you managed to pull that move after telling me not to pull that move"

You broke the hug and he let go of his forehead, revealing a bruise.

"Good job, I'll get ice"

You left and returned with an ice pack wrapped in a tea towel, he took it and held it against the bruise.

"I still can't believe you actually swore" you said.

"I'm capable of saying words you know"

"I know, but... you NEVER swear. You said sorry for saying crap a few days ago"

"I just like to stay as professional as I can while at work I guess... I do swear on occasion" he said.

"I've never heard you swear before, it caught me off guard"

"Do you want me to swear more often or something?"

"Well, I don't care if you swear or not. But you hold back to much, we all swear around here, if you wanna swear just do it, you don't always have to filter yourself"

"Well, I suppose..."

"I swear all the fucking time, you don't seem to care. So I don't care if you swear"

"Good. Then I have something to say that I've been meaning to for a while" he said.

"Ok? Go ahead"



"I fucking love you"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now