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A/n: re-listened to the death note musical. Light does not deserve such a beautiful song wtf^. Also I already have so much to write but the ideas just keep coming holy hell.

Head canon -  L is a messy cryer. He rarely cries but when he does it's hard to get him to stop. He's the kind of person that loses control as it takes over his body, heavy sobs and lots of tears.

It was a quiet day at HQ. Something was awfully off today... it seemed too quiet.

Usually the taskforce is quiet while working, but something was making it TOO quiet. It suddenly hit you, L hadn't said a word all day. He'll usually discuss something about new evidence at least once a day.

They day was almost over so you decided to stay back when the others leave to see what was wrong with L. Maybe he was tried? Maybe he didn't feel well?

You finished up your work and waited quietly for everyone to leave, soon it was just you L, and Watari in the other room. It was 7 o'clock when everyone left.

You looked over at L who was staring blankly at the same document he'd been looking at all day. You walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.


He jumped and turned to look at you.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Are you ok? You seem... off. You haven't talked to anyone all day"

He sighed and looked around to see it was just you two in the room.

"Y-yeah I'm fine"

His voice was shaking, this was unusual for L.

"Are you sure?"

It was dead silent, he just looked down at his hands. You saw him begin to shake, and his breathing turned sharp.

Was he crying?

You grabbed a chair and and sat opposite him, you saw tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. And before you could even react, he let heavy sobs shake his body, beginning to cry heavily.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

He didn't say anything, just began to cry harder.

You pulled him into your arms and let him sob onto your shoulder.

This was all new. You'd never seen L cry, ever. In fact, you've barely ever seen him show emotion, he was always so flat and monotone. You knew there must be something really wrong if it bought L to tears, so you decided it was best to let him cry it out and comfort him. You gently rubbed up and down on his backs and gave him a tight squeeze. You pulled back from the hug, only to be met with L's teary bloodshot eyes.

"What's wrong?" You asked, holding one of his hands in yours.

"I-I'm s-so stressed..." he sobbed, finding it hard to make words.

You have him a sorrowful look.

"T-the whole w-world is counting on me! B-but it's hard! K-Kira is s-so powerful... a-and I'm just s-some smarter than average h-human"

Right as those words left his mouth, the heavy sobs turned into a full on breakdowns. Loud crying, almost screaming escaped his lungs as he hid his face in his hands.

"Aw L..."

You pulled him back into your arms, letting him his his face in your chest and hold onto you like he was holding onto the edge of a cliff. You pulled him into your lap and wrapped your arms around him tightly. You found yourself slightly rocking back and fourth on a gentle motion and rubbing his back in an attempt to get him to calm down.

It wasn't working.

L was such a messy crier, he managed to have it take over his body and not be able to control it. But you didn't blame him, he is under a lot of pressure and he bottles up his emotion a lot, he needs a good cry.

"Listen, you're the worlds greatest detective for a reason, you're an amazing person with an incredible mind. You're not the only one under pressure, we're all under lots of pressure, it's ok to feel stressed. You should take a break for a while, we can take over for a week or two. You need to pace yourself. Kira is horrible, but we'll all work together to solve the case ok? We're going to make it ok? I promise you we'll catch him" you said.

He kept crying into your shirt, trying his hardest to calm down.

"This is so u-unprofessional. (Y/n), I'm s-sorry you have to be part of this" he sobbed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Crying is ok, deep breaths ok?" you replied.

He took deep, shaky breaths in and out, slowly managing to calm the sobs, but not the tears.

You sat there for what felt like hours, just letting L cry on your shoulder until he was so emotionally exhausted, he fall asleep in your arms.

You decided to take him up to his room and let him sleep, he needed it after all.

You wandered into the other room, with L in your arms toward the stairs.

"That's incredible"

You jumped slightly and turned to see Watari had been watching over the cameras.

"Not only have you managed to stop him crying, but also put him to sleep" he said.

"He needed a good cry, he must be emotionally exhausted" you replied.

"He could use a girl like you in his life. Come, I'll unlock his room for you"

You followed Watari down the halls.

"In all the years I've known that man, I've never seen him have a meltdown that big. He's thrown tantrums as a child, but he's never cried that much. It's hard to heft him to stop crying one he starts and yet you managed to soothe him into stopping, I'm impressed"

"When was the last time he cried? It sounds like it's been a while" you asked.

"The last time I remember, he was 10 and had broken his ankle"

"Wow, it's been almost 15 years then... no wonder he had all that emotion bottled up"

Watari unlocked the door and let you in to put L to bed.

"It's late miss (y/n), you should go to sleep too" he said.

"I'm going to, I'm really tried"

"Alright then, I have to watch the cameras again since L's asleep. Goodnight miss (y/n)"

"Goodnight Watari"

You walked into the room that looked like it had barely ever been used and pulled back the blankets with your foot, carefully putting the sleeping boy down and pulling the blankets over him again.

You looked down at his red tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes from all the crying and gave his sleeping state a reassuring smile.

"We'll get through this" you whispered.

You turned to leave but as soon as your hand touched the door knob a voice stopped you.

"Thank you (y/n)..."

You smiled.

"It's no problem, everyone needs to let it out somehow" you said.



"Can you stay here..?"

Huh? That's very unlike L... but he's not feeling 100% and he's tired, so you'll let it slide.

"Ok" you replied, taking off your jacket and slipping under the blankets next to him.

He instantly bought you into his arms and snuggled up to you.

"You're the best... thank you" you he said tiredly.

"You're welcome, its late, we should sleep. Goodnight L" you replied, returning the hug.

"Goodnight (y/n)... I love you"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now