Mans best friend

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Head canon: L would buy you a pet and take care of it when you couldn't just for the hell of it.

Here's your pet:

It was about 7am, you were sound asleep until your alarm woke you up you were tired as hell but managed to drag yourself out of bed and downstairs to the monitor room where you saw the taskforce sitting around and working as usual

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It was about 7am, you were sound asleep until your alarm woke you up you were tired as hell but managed to drag yourself out of bed and downstairs to the monitor room where you saw the taskforce sitting around and working as usual.

"Good morning" you said.

You got a few 'good mornings' as a reply and sat down, only to notice L wasn't there.

"Hey, where's L?" You asked.

"He said he had to pick something up" Matsuda said.

Like what? Maybe new Kira tapes? That was odd, he hadn't mentioned anything. Just as the thought crossed your mind you head the door opened and saw L enter the room carrying a box.

"What the heck?" You said.

"Well good morning to you to" he sassed back.

"Woah what's in there?" Light asked, watching L put the box down.

"Something (y/n) has been wanting for a long time"

You were just more confused than you were before now. What the hell could he have in there that for you? What needed a box that big?

You got up and walked over to him.

"Ok one, what's the occasion? It's not my birthday or anything, and two, what the heck needs a box that big?" You asked.

"One, there is no occasion, I just like to spoil you, and I know you've wanted this for years now. And two, why don't you open it and find out"

You have him a confused look and the whole taskforce turned to see what was in the box. You sat down and examined the box, listening for anything that may move inside, only to hear a few scratches. Whatever was in there was alive. You grabbed the top flaps of the box and opened them to see a tiny black Labrador puppy look up at you and do that little dog smile they do when the stick their tongue out.

"Oh my god!" You yelped, throwing your hand over your mouth in shock.

You began to smile uncontrollably and reached into the box, pulling out the puppy and holding it close to your chest.

"Awww he's so cuutteee!" You cooed, loosing down at the puppy as he tried to lick you.

"Aw a Labrador! I love those!" Misa jumped in upon seeing the puppy, rushing over to get a better look.

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now