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A/n: welp, I'll be at the doctors tomorrow I think I can update but idk yet. They're gonna shove a stick in my ear to fix a possible infection and tell me if I'm nuts. I'll update you peeps on the situation after.

Head-canon: while L does like cats better, he has a weak spot for small dogs, especially terriers.

"Hey... L?" You said.

"Yes miss (l/n)?"

"I know this is kind of late but my sister is going overseas so... I kind of have to dog sit..."

"I'm going to turn around and see a dog aren't I?"


He spun around in his chair and his eyes met a small Yorkie-Jack Russel cross. He had a brown patch over one eye and white fur with the fur type and build of a Yorkshire terrier. L sighed.

"Ok, fine. What's his name?" He asked.

"Maxie, don't worry, he's house trained and I have all her stuff, she can stay in my room and I'll put his bowls in the laundry" you replied.

"Ok, just make sure he stays out of trouble"

You went upstairs to your room and set up his bed and blankets as well as left some toys for him.

You put his bowls in the laundry and hung his leash up by the front door.

And with that it was straight to work.

You sat down and began to sort all the security tapes by date into large boxes, all to go into the store room later. You let Maxie wander and sniff around as dogs do.


You jumped at the sound of Misa's voice.

"He's so cute!"

She dashed down the half and skidded to the floor, clapping for the dog. The terrier ran up to her and wagged his tail happily as the girl let his head behind the ear.

"Who's is this?" She asked.

"My sisters, I'm dog sitting for a couple of weeks. His name is Maxie" you explained.

Misa picked him up and cuddled him in her arms.

"He's so cuuuutteee! Oh I just want to keep him!"

You laughed at her reaction.

She put him down and stood up again.

"I've got to go to a photoshoot, I'll see you guys later. Bye!"

"See ya!"

And with that she left.

Maxie went back to sniffing, searching the big room for anything interesting. His ears perked up at the sound of a wrapper, a candy wrapper.

L had opened a bag of marshmallows and the sound of the plastic registered in the dogs mind as a bag of treats.

The dog walked up to L and sat down next to him, watching him eat.

He put up a paw and gently booped L, getting his attention.

"What?" He asked.

You looked over to see what was happening.

"He knows you have food" you laughed.

Maxie out his paw up.

"What's that for?"

"He thinks he has to do a trick to get food, that means shake"

L looked at the dog for a moment before giving in.


He shook the dogs paw and broke of s bit if shortcake, the dog gently took it into his mouth and munched it up, them rolling into his back.

"What's now?" L sighed.

"He wants tummy rubs"

L complied, giving the dog what he wanted and going back to work.

You watched as Maxie rolled back onto her feet and wagged his tail, looking up at L, who at this point just started to ignore him and get work done.

That wouldn't stop Maxie. Maxie seemed to like L.

He crawled up into L's lap, curling into a little ball.

"He likes you" you giggled.

L looked at the dog and decided to let him stay.

"He's lucky I kind of like him too" L replied.

You then finished up the boxes and went to take them into the storeroom. It took hours to get it all done, but when it was done you never had to do it again and you were so glad about that.

When you came back down you heard growling, not angry growling but playful growling. You reached the bottom of the stairs and found L playing tug of war with Maxie.

Maxie must have found his toys and bought them down to L.

God damnit this was so cute.

"Having fun?" You laughed.

"(Y/n) you've made me want a dog, why would you do this? I already want a cat" L replied.

"Maxie has that effect on people" you said, sitting down next to them.

It was silent for a moment as Maxie pulled the toy out of L's hand and chewed it.



"If I get a cat, will you get a dog and we can share them?" L said.

"Sure, you're taking them to the vet though" you replied.

"Deal, you better love them, these pets will be our damn kids"

"We'll be the best parents"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now