Forever part 3

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After that long day, you and L went up to your room after saying goodnight to your parents etc. You turned on the TV and decided to end the night watching a movie.

You promised to be quiet, your brother  was three doors away from you and your parents down the hall too so you kept the volume on low.

"I told you my parents would like you" you said, leaning your head on L's shoulder.

"I guess I was just worried" L replied.

"I suppose that's reasonable. I'd be worried if I was in your position. Sorry they're a little weird though"

"Hey, we're all weird here, it doesn't matter"

"I still can't believe you trusted me enough to tell me your name. I always thought you'd have a nice name and you do"

"Well, if we're going to be together 24/7 for the rest is our lives you have the right to know, and with your deductive skills, you'd figure it out after a while" He said.

"I'm not that good"

"You spotted Misa as the second Kira before anyone else did"

"Yeah but that's about it..."

"Damnit (y/n) take my compliment. You're smart ok?"

"Ok, ok fine"

He flopped back into the pillows and sighed.

"I'm all sore from the trampoline now..." he said.

"Oh wait until tomorrow, you'll hurt even more" you said, flopping down next to him.

"Is that normal or am I just really unfit?"

"It's normal for most people. We should go to a trampoline park one day,  you get sore but it's heaps of fun. Oh and slip and sliding makes your stomach muscles hurt like hell, but it's still fun"

"I fell like it's strange I haven't done all these things, I never really played with the other kids, I was so focused on detective work that I just cut out all games and fun" he said.

"Well, when we get to our next destination, I'll take you to a bunch of places in between case days and you can be a kid again"

"I'd like that"

"There's one thing we can do right now though..."

"And that'd be?"

You grabbed your pillow and whacked him with it at full force.



He grabbed his pillow and hit you with it. You both jumped up and grabbed as many pillow as you could, throwing them at each other and running around the room to dodge, you whacked each other with pillows, blankets, toys and anything soft, the both of you laughing like idiots.

Meanwhile your parents were still awake because of the noise you were making and wondering was was going on.

"Whats are they doing in there?" Your dad questioned.



"What?" Your mum laughed.

"Ohhhh I think they're having a pillow fight. You know the sea animal toys that sit on her shelf? That's what they must mean"

"I have to see this"

Your parents got up and found your bother had just opened the door to see what was going on.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"They're battling to the death with sea animals"


Your mum opened the door a crack to find you throwing a whole beanbag at L, laughing your ass off. He fought back by grabbing a couch cushion and hitting you over the head with it.

Your family just watched the two of you laughing and tackling each other with pillows and smiled.

"He's the one. That's the boy our little girl will marry"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now