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Chapter 177: The Flood

The Hunters Association closed its doors urgently, and Tao Xuemei and Long Jian also quickly joined forces to close the door of the store and prevent water from entering the store.

Yu Zhiwen took Shen Liang home, and immediately began to communicate, issuing orders one by one in an orderly manner.

He first asked everyone to go to the high platform that had already been built, or stay in the higher the place as possible, and the base would send people to save people.

Of course, the first to save must be the inner superpower.

Shen Liang was not idle, looking at the turbid water outside the house, he decisively opened the protective cover of the system to isolate the water outside the house.

But this is not the solution, when the water level has overflowed their roof, they will only have to leave, but they will be trapped inside.

So the three of them moved to the second floor, and looking down from the balcony on the second floor, the water level was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, which showed the intensity of this rain.

When Shen Liang was stretching out his head to look at the rain, a gust of wind blew by, accompanied by the sound of lightning and thunder, and a bright thunder split in the air.


At the same time, Yu Zhiwen also made the research institute of the base cut off the signal, which would be really troublesome if it caused heavenly thunder.

The yin wind was howling, and 009 was tightly tugging at Shen Liang's trouser leg, a little afraid of such a sky, always feeling as if the heaven and earth could rotate at any time, and then crush everyone.

"Are you scared?" Shen Liang smiled and patted 009's head, "What are you afraid of, it's just thunder."

"No, I'm not afraid." 009 mouthed hard, "But I just happened to be a little sleepy, go to the farm first, host bye."

Shen Liang looked at his roaring appearance, did not tease him anymore, and let him into the farm.

Because the signal is cut off, Yu Zhiwen is using his powers to contact others and understand the situation. Shen Liang looked at it for a while and asked, "Is it okay outside?"

"It's okay, with preparation, at least it won't catch me off guard." Yu Zhiwen said, "The current water level is not enough, right?

Shen Liang nodded: "The foam flower needs more water, and it can't be used before the water level, otherwise the land of this base will be destroyed."

"Then wait a little longer."

That's two days.

The rain was a little lighter the next day, but it was still falling, and the water level was gradually rising, until it exceeded the water level on the first floor, and then went to the second floor.

The people in the base had already begun to panic, although Yu Zhiwen would comfort them every day to no avail, and on the third day, Shen Liang and Yu Zhiwen also came to the roof of the second floor.

There are still many people on the roof, either using special energy to block the rain, or using umbrellas, and there are people sitting on plastic basins on the road, which are very unstable by the wind and waves, and will fall at any time.

The hollow and terrible gloomy sky did not have the slightest brightness, looking at the thick rain clouds in the distance, even the dragon key who had a number in her heart was a little afraid, she sat silently in the third floor room of the Hunters Association, Long Zheng was also busy mobilizing personnel, only Tao Xuemei was comforting her by her side.

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