Chapter 202 Wild Boar Carried Down the Mountain

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The most important thing for these batches of educated youths is naturally simplicity.

Then there are the ones who came in the winter of that year, who were honest and did not cause trouble.

Among the two batches that came later, there were only a few who were good enough, and these two were the only female educated youths who were okay.

The balance in my heart has now tilted more than half.

"Village chief, I must report Tang Cui. I can tolerate any small fights and internal and external provocations, but this time, she wants to kill me. No matter how generous or stupid I am, I can't accept this.

We met the wild boar over there,"

Su Hong pointed upwards,

"A little higher up from where I picked mountain products in autumn, I ran all the way here from there. Look at my shoes,"

Wei Shujuan didn't even notice that the front and soles of Su Hong's shoes were already torn, with large and small cuts from wear and tear, and the dark red blood on them was very eye-catching,

"Ah, why are your shoes covered in blood?"

In a panic, with a wild boar chasing behind, all she wanted was to escape and survive, so how could she think about anything else?

As she spoke, Su Hong's eyes misted up again.

"Village chief, I'm telling you, I just fell here, and I saw the wild boar's fangs about to bite me. If not, if Jian Zhiqing hadn't appeared, I would have been fed to the wild boar."

If it was just a minor fight, Liu Weimin could still persuade her, but now that someone was killed, what was there to persuade? He wouldn't be able to take the responsibility at that time.

But she was still angry at the moment, and she didn't have a good tone.

"Okay, okay, let's go back first, go back and change clothes and wash them."

Wei Shujuan agreed, and hurriedly helped Su Hong back.

Jian Jian saw that she was fine, picked up her knife, and also went down the mountain.

"The bloody smell is so strong, hurry back, don't attract other things later."

Liu Weimin was a little headache looking at Jian Jian, but he really didn't know what to say.

Say that she did something wrong, she saved someone.

She was right, right? I was afraid that she would become wilder and run to the mountains.

I don't know if she sleeps in the village. Although Xiao Jian is lazy, she likes to go to the mountains.

After thinking for a while, he said,

"You, don't be so reckless next time. There are so many grown men here. Don't rush forward like a little girl."

After thinking for a while, he added,

"Don't forget that there is still a family member in your family."

Although it was a bit of hindsight, Jian Jian also knew his kindness and nodded in acceptance.

"I know, pay attention next time. Let's take this thing back quickly."

The villagers were already looking for vines and other materials nearby to make tools. Liu Weimin sighed again,

"Where are those people? What's wrong? Do they live in the mountains?"

He wanted to leave them alone. This had just happened. He was really worried that these people would not come back. He was also afraid that the wild boars would attack again.

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