Chapter 330: Simple and Direct

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Cheng Chao thought about the scene of Jian Dan shaking his head and threatening people with a big banner, and couldn't help but curl his lips, and then he was full of anxiety.

"She didn't go to find me, so where could she go?"

Lin Dongfang actually wanted to laugh. This was not at all his usual calm and wise appearance. He was just too concerned, but it also showed that the Cheng family really treated Jian Dan as their own child. When he looked at his wife, they were all smiling.

"Well, you should know her strength. She is not the little girl who can't stand a little blow and hides away.

She still has time and mood to come to me to feed her dog. She must have made some plans.

Based on our understanding of her, she doesn't like trouble. It is very likely that she took advantage of this time to go out and hide, but she is definitely not sad. Maybe she went into the mountains."

Going into the mountains?

Cheng Jin was stunned for a moment. It was hard to say whether she was hiding or going out for fun.

Seeing that he was still fidgeting, Mingzhu simply handed him the simple house key,

"You have to wait for her anyway, she hasn't finished cleaning up the backyard yet,"

"Back, backyard?"

Cheng Chao knew the place where he fell in for the first time.

Lin Dongfang reached out to stop him, and seeing Cheng Chao's face paused, he was so flustered, it would be good to have something to do, or continue Mingzhu's words,

"Yes, she has planted a lot of things in the backyard, it seems that she has just started to harvest,"

"Okay," Cheng Chao took the key with a neat movement, turned around and walked out,

"Then I'll go over."

Lin Dongfang pursed his lips and reminded him as he went out,

"Just feed the dog, I won't go, when you leave, you can send the key to me, I'll go again."


"Ah, there is also the child's land, the child has to harvest it today."

Cheng Chao knew that he had watered this land, and he didn't look back from a distance, waving his hand to show that he understood.

Seeing him lower his head to open the door, Lin Dongfang turned back to the house.

Mingzhu asked while holding the child,

"Did he go over?"

"Did he go over? Really, I've never seen him like this. He doesn't even know Jian Dan's skills, what's there to worry about?"

Mingzhu rolled her eyes at him,

"If this were your daughter, think about it, knowing that she has skills and won't be in danger, would you be anxious?"

Lin Dongfang's face changed immediately.

The emphasis on men and women was clearly reflected at this time.

Jian Dan was originally strong, so it wasn't a big burden for her to work, but she was lazy, and her arms and legs really didn't have an advantage, but Cheng Chao, with his long arms, legs and big hands, had an advantage.

For the same piece of land, Jian Dan needed to go over it twenty times, while Cheng Chao could even do it in seven or eight times.

In addition, he was impatient and worked without restraint. He came at noon, and by the time the sun was about to set, only the few black and black holly trees left for the children were left standing in the backyard. Even the sweet stalks that Jian Dan wanted to leave for the children were cut down by him, and the ears and leaves on them were cut off and neatly placed in the cellar.

The children's vegetable garden was almost harvested. A pile of potatoes, sweet potatoes, watermelons and peanuts were piled in a corner of the vegetable garden. They were asked to take them away, but the children insisted that they would wait for Jian Dan to come back before dividing them. There was also a share for Jian Xin. There were only two small half-ridges of watermelon vines left as conspicuous bags, and Cheng Chao pulled them up easily.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Jian Dan also accelerated the speed of going down the mountain.

Originally, she wanted to stay in the mountains for a few more days. She had a great time collecting the good things in the mountains, including medicinal herbs, prey, and even things hidden in the mountains by unknown people. She collected a lot of them.

She also sighed that the people who hid the things were not ordinary people.

Let's say, in this deep mountain, even if you are empty-handed, it is not something that ordinary people can walk around at will, not to mention carrying so many heavy things?

If she doesn't have a plug-in like her, then it is not a small-scale operation at all. Carrying weapons may have some deterrence on wild animals, but it may not be much.

She was very happy to harvest during the day, find a tree at night, and then enter the base space, eat well and sleep well, and think about harvesting the front in the remaining two days. Anyway, 99.9% of the things in the deep mountains are ownerless, and she has no burden.

Who would have thought that she had just chosen this big tree and wanted to make a foothold on it at night to enter the space. I don't know where she touched, and I heard a "boom" like an earthquake, and her feet were shaking. She couldn't stand still with the heavy weight, and she ran away to the side for a long distance, and didn't even dare to enter the space.

The vibration didn't last long, but she waited for half an hour and didn't hear any other sounds. Then she tiptoed closer and returned to the tree where the accident happened.

There was only the rustling sound of the wind around her. She was unsure and carefully circled several times, expanding the scope one circle after another. Finally, she found a cave entrance with fresh soil half a mile away.

There was wind blowing out from inside. She tried it and it was fresh.

After listening for a while, there was indeed no sound. Then she went in through the cave entrance little by little. The front should be open to the sky. The sun shone all the way to the cave entrance. This section of the cave was bright. This made her feel a little relieved.

The cave was about 200 meters long. It was not straight, but winding, sometimes wide and sometimes narrow.

When she walked to the innermost part, the scope of the sunlight projected on the ground was obviously getting smaller and darker. At the front, there was a narrow gap, which was still sideways. If you were not careful, you would ignore it and think it was a dead end.

After squeezing through the gap, the sun was shining brightly.

However, Jiandan took a deep breath and took two steps back reflexively. His back leaned against the mountain wall he had just passed, and his whole body was covered with cold sweat.

This was a large courtyard. Let's call it a courtyard. In fact, it was surrounded by a circle of stone walls. Jiandan was on one side of the courtyard, which was much higher than the courtyard. There were rough steps under his feet, spiraling down and leading to the courtyard below.

The courtyard was surrounded by stone walls, but in the left front corner, Jiandan's eyes were very good. There was a half circle of unnatural and unclear halo. It seemed that there should be a cave in the courtyard, or it might be facing outward, and there was a cave entrance.

What frightened Jiandan was not the cave, but the random piles of things in the courtyard.

Even though she had countless blood on her hands in her previous life, she knew that she was not a good person. Seeing this spectacular scene, she was also a little shocked.

Being able to survive in the hail of bullets in her previous life, Jian Dan is naturally not a naive person. Her greatest strength is that the more urgent the situation, the calmer she is, and it is the same now.

Knowing that there is something wrong with the situation, she raised her alert to the highest level. Before she could figure out what was going on, she heard a slight sound, which seemed to be a heavy object rubbing against the ground, mixed with a few undisguised footsteps.

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