Chapter 384: Only the one who drinks the water knows whether it is hot or cold

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In front are girls holding hands, and the male educated youths are following behind, laughing and joking.

The villagers are also in groups. It can be said that this is almost a more lively activity than the autumn harvest. In addition to digging wild vegetables, this is the most legitimate opportunity. As long as it is not a big game, the rest of the harvest is yours.

It can be said that this is also the most participatory activity. Men, women, young and old can find their own interests.

Adults want to pick up more mountain products, or sell them for money, or give them to others. At worst, frying them and giving them to children as snacks is also a good way. If you can pick up chestnuts that can fill your stomach, it will be even better.

What the children were looking forward to were the wild fruits on the mountain, such as black walnut, red mushroom, hawthorn, mountain pear, apple, mountain peach, crabapple, sand apple, mountain grape, hawthorn, round date, lantern fruit, etc. Although it was a bit exaggerated to say that they were everywhere in the mountains, they were indeed widely distributed, in the weeds, under the trees, on the hillside, in the ditch, or hidden in any corner, and then they would be discovered by the sharp eyes of some children.

When even the stomach cannot be filled, snacks are a luxury. Rural children know this very well, and they cherish every kind of food that can be eaten. At this time, they are also looking forward to it very much.

Following the crowd, talking and laughing, we soon arrived at the place, and the villagers quickly set their sights on the target. The young man climbed up the tree, and the women waited under the tree. After a burst of walnut rain, everyone rushed over, whether it was a backpack or a sack, and just lowered their heads to load it.

The educated youth also found a spot nearby, and without the help of the villagers, a few male educated youth went up. The others waited far below. Seeing that fewer and fewer people were falling, they quickly shouted, "Okay, okay, come down?" The people on the top slid down, and Jian Dan and the others also rushed over, "Did you take the sack?" "I took it, but I don't know if I can carry it back," "Then put it in the backpack first, and then pour it into the sack later..." They talked and worked at the same time. Jian Dan and Tan Yajun did not walk far. They picked up two backpacks and emptied the sacks. Seeing that others were still busy, they did not say anything. They quietly looked around, picked up a few black trees, and waved to Hu Zi who was not far away. "Sister Jian!"

Jian Jian handed over the few trees in her hand.

"Take them and eat them. Don't go inside. Be careful of snakes."

The child happily went to share with his friends. Jian Jian looked around. There were people all over the place, some picking walnuts, some filling sacks, and some preparing to climb the hazelnut tree not far ahead. But the same thing was that they all looked very happy.

"Jian Jian, come quickly. There are some insides here. Don't you like to eat this the most?"

"Hey, here I come."

Jian Jian, Tan Yajun, Lin Zhaodi, Lin Dongfang, Wang Jianguo, plus Chen Jing and Ling Weidong, and Bai Xiaoqin who followed closely today. Their team was not small. The villagers here were still busy picking hazelnuts, so they ran to the chestnut tree in front.

Jian Jian walked in front and could feel the eyes from behind from time to time. It was not unfamiliar.

Before she didn't know, it was okay, and she didn't think too much.

Now that she knows, the eyes always feel a little hot, making her a little irritated.

Tan Yajun, who was standing next to him, saw this and glanced back thoughtfully. She naturally took Jiandan's arm.

"You guys pick chestnuts here first, we'll go to the front to take a look."

As soon as she put her arm around Jiandan, Jiandan looked at her in surprise. Tan Yajun blinked,

"I seem to be bitten by a bug, can you help me take a look."

After saying this, the people who wanted to catch up paused. Lin Zhaodi didn't know what was going on, but she could see that the two people were having eye contact, so she also cooperated tacitly and said,

"Then you guys hurry up, we'll go pick chestnuts first, and wait for you at the chestnut tree, hurry up."

Tan Yajun blinked in appreciation and pulled Jiandan forward. Someone behind them followed them until the two people disappeared in the woods, and then reluctantly withdrew their eyes.

Lin Dongfang was watching from the side with a toothache,

"What are you doing? Guarding silently?"

"I feel like she found out? Or does she hate me?"

Ling Weidong's words were still a little disappointed.

Lin Dongfang really didn't know what to say. After being exposed by him, did he not hide anything at all?

"Okay, hurry up and work. Why are you still thinking about those things?"

Qian Cheng and Yuan Ye knew what he was thinking a long time ago, but Jiandan was really different from other girls. If they wanted to send some food, Jiandan could hunt and kill wild boars. The villagers didn't know, but they saw clearly that Jiandan had no shortage of food or meat, and even had more firewood than they did.

For such a long time, Ling Weidong didn't even find a chance to help. To put it bluntly, Jiandan had everything, so he didn't even have the chance to show his courtesy.

The result of such a long time was that they were familiar with each other, and oh, he also learned the skill of grilling fish.

Seeing him like this, they didn't dare to say much. They made faces behind him, and then had to follow him to beat chestnuts honestly.

After walking a distance with Tan Yajun, Jiandan was still confused.

"Sister Yajun, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"It's not me, it's you. Did Ling Weidong tell you clearly?"

"No, it's not, Sister Yajun, how did you know?"

Tan Yajun chuckled.

"You are very smart in other things, why are you confused when it comes to yourself?

You don't have any interest in him?"

After all, Tan Yajun is older and has experienced more things, so she can see clearly.

Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, if the person you like also happens to care about you, you will feel a little shy or embarrassed, and your eyes should be happy and shining.

How could she be like this, as if nothing happened.

Anyway, Jiandan is also a little girl, and a very smart little girl. Being confused does not mean that she does not understand. Things that can be understood at a glance can make her show such an expression. It can only be said that this matter is not pleasant and in line with her wishes for her, and it can even be said that it has brought her trouble.

Indeed, Jian Dan scratched his head in annoyance,

"I have never thought about this kind of thing at all. I live well by myself and don't want to cause trouble.

Besides, how old am I? I am not an adult yet. It's too hasty to talk about this now, right?"

"For this kind of thing, people know the cold and warm of water by themselves. If you like it, accept it. If you don't want it, refuse it. Don't make things difficult for yourself.

Among us educated youth, except Mingzhu, you are the one who lives the most wanton. When we are suffering in this bitter water and struggling in the mud, you are a light on the shore.

Seeing you go to work and go home, raise children, teach children, and go up the mountain just like us, you are also the same.

Seeing that you are always full of energy, sometimes you say that you are lazy and don't want to move, but when you do it, you don't drag your feet at all, and you don't complain about the hardship or tiredness...

Seeing you like this, you can always do everything well with ease, and we always feel that there is still hope in this life,"

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