Chapter 227 Cheng Chao Eats Dumplings

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Coincidentally, Cheng Chao came in at this time.

He opened the outer door, and Jian Dan opened the door of the west room. For a moment, both of them were stunned.

"Brother Cheng Chao!"

The little girl poked her head out from behind Jian Dan, and her eyes lit up when she saw him.

Jian Dan came to her senses and made way for the door of the west room.

"Why are you here?"

She thought they were all staying up all winter.

As soon as Cheng Chao came in, a gust of cold wind blew in the room, and the little girl sneezed delicately, which scared Cheng Chao. He quickly turned around to pull the door to check if it was closed properly.

When she came back, she asked nervously,

"Are you okay? Are you cold? Did you catch a cold?"

Jian Dan pushed him aside,

"Go and warm up. You are cold, and you are so close to me?"

The little girl covered her mouth and giggled,

"Brother Cheng Chao, I don't have a cold, I'm fine."

Jian Dan went to the kitchen and brought a bowl of ginger water in, and put it directly next to Cheng Chao,

"Drink it quickly, you are cold, don't give it to her."

Cheng Chao was very generous, he picked up the bowl and drank it, and licked his lips at the end,

"Why put so much sugar?"

The spicy taste roamed all over his body, and Cheng Chao soon became warm. He took off his coat and rubbed his hands, and then he dared to get close to the child.

"It's not cold, is it? What are you doing?

Oh, potato chips, I'm in for a treat,"

Looking at the condiments next to him, he simply gave up the bench to Jiandan.

"You two go sit down, I'll do it,"

Jiandan was not polite, he had done it before, so he stood up and gave him the small bench.

"By the way, have you eaten?"

It was almost eleven o'clock in the morning, and it was hard to answer Jiandan's question.

When not working, people in the countryside have two meals, at eight or nine in the morning, and at two or three or four in the afternoon.

But the troops certainly don't, their schedule is almost unaffected by the season, they still have three meals.

This time is before lunch for the garrison and after breakfast for the village.

Jiandan guessed that they had breakfast, after all, it would take time for the garrison to get here.

Cheng Chao was straightforward,

"I haven't eaten yet. I came here on an empty stomach."

He was speechless, but the little girl was immediately happy, chirping like a lark,

"Brother Cheng Chao, I, I can make dumplings. Sister taught me.

I made dumplings for you. Let me cook them for you, okay?"

The big eyes blinked, and Cheng Chao understood immediately,

"Wow, how can Xinxin be so awesome?"

Of course, he didn't expect that he would be treated like this. After all, Jian Wenxiu was his uncle, and he was just a brother. Why did he save it for him?

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