Chapter 318 Return Home

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They didn't leave in a hurry, but the two seemed to have really forgotten about it.

What's even more outrageous is that during the two days outside, the two didn't think about it once. When they arrived at the door, Cai suddenly remembered this and thought she would see a few hungry dogs.

As a result, when she opened the door, what did she see?

Two dogs were barking wildly in the yard, and there was a small pool of blood on the ground near the doghouse. Looking at the traces, it was dripping from the wall. Oh, there was a small black shadow under the wall whose life or death was unknown.

Jiandan was surprised for a moment. What's going on?

Cheng Jin, who was carrying something behind, suddenly had a dark face.

"What's going on?"

Jian Jian looked around the yard and only saw Jixiang and Xile. There was no sign of the other two. Looking at the bloodstains and bone residues near the doghouse, Jian Jian guessed vaguely,

"Are you going to find food again?"

The only answer she had was an enthusiastic bark, but soon, two black shadows came running from the foot of the mountain, getting closer and closer, raising a cloud of dust.

Several adults squinted their eyes and saw Jian Xin coming out happily.

"Ruyi, Ping An, did you go up the mountain?"

One dog was holding a dying pheasant in its mouth, and the other was biting a small roe deer. The prey was a bit big, so it was almost half biting and half dragging it, and its speed did not fall at all.

After a few jumps, it arrived in front of everyone, put down the prey, and mixed with the two dogs that came out of the yard, and played around Jian Jian and Jian Xin.

"Woof woof woof..."

"Woof woof woof..."

The sharp canine teeth were still covered with meat and blood, which must have been scary, but the dogs were jumping around like children, not fierce at all, just silly and cute.

Cheng Chao, who was the most familiar, was not there, so Cheng Jin and Lin Zhengde were still not used to the situation, especially when they saw the half-grown silly roe deer. No matter how silly it was, it was still a wild beast in the mountains.

"Did a dog bite it to death?"

Lin Zhengde was also a little confused.

"From the looks of it, it should be..."

"It seems to be stronger than a human?"

That's right, just take this pheasant for example, there are not many people in the whole village who can hit it.

Roe deer are a matter of luck, although they are silly, they are really hard to hit.

After sending Jiandan and Mingzhu's family home, Cheng Jin and Lin Zhengde completed their mission and planned to go back immediately. After all, they were not as idle as Cheng Chao. There was still a lot of fuss about the anti-inflammatory medicine.

Lin Zhengde also asked people to buy a lot of things. No matter what, Lin Dongfang was his junior, and the child was his nephew. The elders in the family could not come over, so he had to take care of him more.

However, it was midsummer now, and he could only buy some dry food and pastries that could be stored. The hens that were originally planned to be cleaned up were also alive.

"Keep them first, and kill them when making chicken soup, otherwise they can't be stored."

Lin Dongfang was not polite. Now the first thing was his wife and children. In this village, it was different from the capital. Not to mention eating something, anything would be noticed. The main thing was that there was no place to buy some things.

Just like this old hen, each family in the village has also raised a few this year, but so far they are just chicks that have not been raised for a year, so if you want to buy them to make soup, it is really impossible.

Like millet and red dates that other pregnant women should eat, even Lin Zhengde can't buy them in unlimited quantities, let alone in this village. Millet is a fine grain, and red dates are even rarer. Don't even think about it in the village.

Lin Zhengde is here, and Cheng Jin is checking around the yard on Jiandan's side.

"Don't go to the mountains all the time if you have nothing to do. Ask Cheng Chao to send you anything you need. Earn work points slowly. You are a little girl, and there are adults at home. You don't have to work so hard, understand?"

Jiandan agreed obediently,

"I know, uncle, I will definitely not be stubborn if I can't do it."

The things that Cheng Chao bought at the supply and marketing cooperative in the county are enough for the two of them to eat for a while. Just now, Cheng Jin had to stuff a lot of money and tickets into her, fearing that she would treat him harshly.

Fearing that he would say something again, Jian Jian quickly arranged the work for him.

"Uncle, the roe deer is still there,"

When Lin Zhengde came over, he saw Cheng Jin squatting in the yard with his sleeves rolled up, cutting up the roe deer. The little girl was watching with wide eyes, and helped with a small basin of water.

The door was open, and the heat from the kitchen was rising in waves. It was obvious that the fire had been started to cook.

Pushing the door in, Lin Zhengde did not reach out, and it was almost done. He simply carried a bucket to fetch water, and watched Cheng Jin carry a basin of meat into the house, and directly poured the full bucket of water on the ground. The bloodstains spread out, and the color seemed to be lighter.

"Dan Dan, I've prepared it. Do you want to pickle it? It's quite hot today. If I don't prepare it today, it will go bad tomorrow."

It was midday, and the two of them probably couldn't stay here for long. Jian Dan didn't have to bother with it. When they came back in the morning, Cheng Chao got up early and bought them a piece of pork belly. Jian Dan secretly took out a few ribs, cut two large pieces of roe deer meat, put a few potatoes, added some homemade seasonings, stewed it in one pot, and put a circle of big pancakes on it.

Cheng Jin, Lin Zhengde, Lin Dongfang, plus the two sisters, Jian Dan was afraid that it wouldn't be enough, so he used the big pot on the west side.

Covered the lid and let the fire burn first. The pot on the east side boiled a pig's trotter soup. Even if Lin Dongfang cooked, she would have to eat several meals a day during the confinement period, and she could eat it later.

Knowing that he was anxious, Jian Dan picked a few cucumbers and persimmons while he was at it, and mixed them.

It looked like a meat dish, which would take time, but after the table was cleaned, Cheng Jin and his partner walked around for a while, and the aroma from the pot came out. Needless to say, Jian Xin had already eagerly waited by the pot.

Lifting the lid of the pot, thinking of the shop, the two big men who had just entered the door sniffed at the same time and quickened their pace.

The heat was so intense that Cheng Jin paused for a moment and took the shovel from the child's hand,

"Go aside, don't burn yourself."

Someone did it for him, and Jian Xin didn't pretend, and gave instructions,

"Uncle, these two small basins, put a few big pancakes and vegetables, there is still soup in the pot, take it to Sister Zhuzhu and the others later.

Put the rest in this big basin,"

Excluding the portion that was divided out, there was also a large basin of vegetables and a basket of big pancakes.

The stew with thick oil and the big golden pancakes were placed on the table. Little Jian Xin kept slurping her saliva, and Cheng Jin and the others couldn't take their eyes away. Why didn't the food in their cafeteria taste like this?

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