Chapter 286 It's not a monkey, it's Sun Wukong

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He smiled briefly,

"Who doesn't like good things?

I like gold, too.

But, what can I say? I won't say anything about national justice or national construction.

My grandfather and my grandfather have made contributions, and my father has also dedicated his life to the country. When it comes to me, I still have this awareness.

To take a step back, I am selfish. I keep all these things and don't tell anyone. Yes, from now on, I don't have to work and can live a good life by lying down, but what can I do? Sit and wait to die like a waste?

If that really happens, I will be a complete capitalist, making money without working, being arrogant and extravagant, and wasting money. By then, I am afraid I will not know how I died.

But it will be different for you.

I remember you said that day that you don't have much food, and you are so diligent in finding books. Whether it is growing vegetables or raising pigs, it is all to make everyone's life better.

I admire you for this.

Cheng Chao, to be honest, I feel I am quite selfish to tell you this news willingly, instead of the government, the police, or any other organization.

I hope these things can make your life better, especially, listening to you, the hungry brothers.

You are the ones who guard this land, and I believe in you.

Moreover, I know that with you, these things will not be wasted, will not go into some people's private vaults, or fatten someone's pocket.

Now the situation outside is tense and chaotic. I, an educated youth who is deaf to the outside world, also know to hide. You should also have your own countermeasures.

I don't know your policies very well. I can be sure that these things are ownerless, and looking at the packaging, they should be considered as seized goods. If not, they can be considered as donations. I just hope that they can be put to practical use. "

There is no term "three views" yet. If there is, Cheng Chao must raise his hands and feet. They are so congenial, with the same three views, and even their ideas are the same.

"Don't worry, Captain Lin and my uncle are not the kind of people who stick to the rules. This place is remote, so there are some delays in supply and provisions. In the past two years, the quality and quantity of the supplies that arrived were not guaranteed, and the higher-ups also shirked the responsibility.

At this time, it is natural to protect our own people first. Moreover, no matter how much it costs, it does not harm the interests of anyone or any group. At most, it is considered military-civilian cooperation, haha."

Said this, Jian Dan felt a little more comfortable. She could give the things away, but if they became someone else's, it would be disgusting enough.

Her original intention was to give them, otherwise, her base was so big, how many things could not be hidden?

"I'm not lying to you, nor exaggerating. When I found these things, the first thing I thought of was, as you said, you don't have enough food to eat and train on an empty stomach.

I saw it, isn't this a coincidence?"

Cheng Chao's heart was warm.

For so many years, after the incident at home, except for his uncle, no one has taken his words so seriously and thought of him first when seeing good things.

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