Chapter 220: Build a Snowman and Drink Sugar Water

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The little girl nodded and agreed, fearing that Jiandan would regret not letting her go out the next second, so she took the initiative to stretch out her little feet and let Jiandan put on shoes for her.

When she first came, the little girl was very vigilant. When she left her father, she woke up at night and cried for several nights.

However, after a few days, she adapted quickly. Now she doesn't cry when she talks about her father, and she can sleep all night.

In fact, Jiandan felt a sense of accomplishment when she thought of this.

"Okay, come down, I'll clear the snow at the door later. When you go out again, you can only step on it, not touch it.

If your hand is injured again, hum, you can't think about playing at all."

The first snow of this winter was heavy. When she stepped on it, her ankle was gone. The cotton shoes made with stitches and thread were filled with snow. Jiandan shivered immediately because of the cold.

He used a wooden shovel to push away the snow from the door to the gate, and then opened the gate, and then let Jian Xin out.

"Come out and play, be careful, don't go to places with thick snow."

It was a bit dazzling to look at the snow in the sun, and Jian Xin closed her eyes unconsciously, and it took a while to feel better.

There was an open space outside the door, and Jian Xin didn't plan to sweep far, just planned to sweep out the door, at least if someone came, the door would be clean enough for people to stand, and don't think that no one lives here.

It was dry and cold just after the snow fell, and Jian Xin was fully armed, wearing cotton gloves and a cotton hat, but he still shivered from time to time.

His body was fine, but his hands and feet were frozen.

He took off his gloves quickly after working for a while, and brought his frozen fingertips to his mouth to warm them up.

Little Jian Xin was in the opposite state. She was jumping and chasing after the puppies. She was so hot that her face was flushed. She couldn't even wear her hat. Jian Jian looked at her vaguely and it seemed that she was still steaming.

From a distance, she watched Hu Zi lead a group of children over. Jian Jian didn't care. She swept the area near the gate and rested on the pole of the wooden shovel. Only then did she feel that the coldness on her body had dissipated a little.

After giving a few instructions, she walked back with the wooden shovel. She went into the house, lit a fire, and boiled a pot of ginger water. Before taking it out of the pot, she added a handful of brown sugar.

When she came out again, she just walked to the door and saw Mingzhu and his wife clearing snow not far away. Seeing this, she also raised her hand to say hello, then threw the snow sweeper to Lin Dongfang and trotted over.

"Why are you here so early? Have you finished sweeping? I was thinking of asking him to sweep it for you directly."

Jian Jian couldn't help but tease,

"It's easy to use your own man!"

From coming here alone, getting married quickly, to now, Mingzhu's face is still rosy, and the comfort and ease between her eyebrows are simply too obvious.

After being teased like this, Mingzhu's little face was immediately stained with blush, and she turned back and rolled her eyes at Lin Dongfang.

She couldn't help but slap Jian Jian,

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