Chapter 205 I'm Really Sick

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Mingzhu's expression showed that she didn't believe him. Then she just sighed, "Besides, my house is right at the foot of the mountain. My house is the first stop for wild boars to rush down. I can't just ignore it, whether for myself or for the village." Mingzhu has been around boys since she was a child. She has no experience with girls. Now that she is close to him, she speaks carelessly. "Hehe, how many strong laborers are there in this village? They are counting on you, an underage girl, to protect them? So what? He hasn't been around for so many years. How did we get here?"

Jian Jian also thought about it. This kind of thing really can't happen again and again, but,

"Alas! I don't want to either. The main reason is that my house has just been repaired. If it weren't for guarding the foot of the mountain, I would definitely stay away. Look at my hand,"

After removing the strength from his arm, his entire right hand drooped weakly,

"I used this hand to hold the knife. I didn't feel uncomfortable at the time, but now, you see, I probably can't do anything in the next few days."

It's a little sore, but it's far from this serious. But is it a pity? Who wouldn't?

Only if this incident caused serious consequences will it be remembered deeply.

She didn't have to ask for this favor, but after all, she made a great effort. She still had to live here for ten years. She didn't have the idea of ​​being an unknown hero. She did it to let people know and remember her goodness. This is the confidence for her to live a stable life in the future.

So, pretending to be weak is not even a deception.

She didn't feel guilty at all.

Although Jian Dan repeatedly said that she was fine, she sneezed several times on the way, so Mingzhu still sent her home with concern.

"Do you need me to help you heat the kang?"

Jian Dan waved her hand quickly, no, really no.

Mingzhu still felt a little regretful,

"Okay, that's perfect, while the child is not back, you can go in and rest first, or sleep for a while, they will bring back the vegetables and meat soon."

It was still a little cold in the afternoon in late autumn.

Jian Dan did light the stoves on both sides when she entered the house, and the heat was steaming, and Jian Dan was so tired that she couldn't even open her eyelids soon.

After collecting the firewood, Jian Dan didn't insist, and fell on her own small kang in the east room and fell into a daze.

When she woke up again, the candles in the room had been lit. Mingzhu heard the sound and came in with a wet towel in her hand. Jiandan was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you here?"

This utterance scared her, and her throat was hoarse like a broken bellows.

She stood up with the help of the kang, and the movement was more obvious, "Hiss!"

Her throat was also like being pricked by needles, and she felt a lot of pain. Jiandan finally realized that she seemed to be sick.

This thing is really sick.

Mingzhu quickly reached out to help her up and leaned against the wall.

"What else can I say? We knocked on the door, but you didn't open it. When we came in, we saw that you had a fever.

If you ask me, it must be because you sweated and were blown by the wind today, and you got a fever." Jiandan stared and drank half a tank of water, and then he felt that his throat was his again.

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